来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635055 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635055
摘 要: 从影像获取信息是人类获取知识的主要来源之一,尤其是21世纪是个信息化的时代,如何高效的处理解读海量的图像数据是整个社会信息化过程中面临的重要问题。而随着科技的发展,遥感技术已经形成了向高分辨率和高光谱分辨率发展的趋势。而如何利用这些信息源完成对遥感影像的解读和信息的提取便变得非常重要。本文将通过面向对象法和基于像素光谱信息法自动提取现状地物来进行线状地物的自动提取。
关键词: 交通 线状地物 自动提取 遥感影像
Based On Remote Sensing Image Of The Urban Transportation Information Extraction Research
Abstract: Pick to obtain information from images is the main source of human knowledge, especially one of the 21st century is the information time, how to efficient handling huge amounts of image data interpretation of social informatization is the whole process of the important problem facing. But with the development of science and technology, remote sensing technology has formed to high resolution and high spectral resolution development trend. And how to use these sources of remote sensing image completed the interpretation and information extraction becomes very important.
Key words: traffic line features automatic extraction remote sensing image