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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16310400 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310400

摘 要

Finite Element Analysis of a Truck Frame
Cars are becoming more and more important in the modern society, while the frame is an important part of the car. Frame carrying the car most of the parts and assembly, is the foundation of the whole car. Analyze the frame, therefore, it is particularly important to understand its working state. When the design in order to make the results more accurate, and simple mathematical analysis cannot meet the need, so choose the finite element method to analyze the frame.
First, this paper calculated frame simple data structure. Then using CREO software, 3 d modeling was carried out on the frame, and import the ANSYS software。The stress analysis was carried out on the frame when four conditions(turning condition, bending condition, working condition, reverse brake condition). Finally, the frame in the free state of modal is analyzed.

Keywords: truck; frame; finite element; modal


目 录
摘 要    Ⅰ
Abstract    Ⅱ
1 绪 论    1
1.1研究意义和目的    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3研究内容    2
2车架设计    3
2.1车架的类型    3
2.2车架的结构    4
2.2.1车架宽度确定    4
2.2.2车架纵梁形式确定    5
2.2.3车架横梁形式确定    5
2.3车架的材料    5
2.4车架的受力分析    5
2.4.1纵梁的弯矩及弯应力    6
2.4.2纵梁的截面    7
2.4.3弯曲应力计算与校核    7
2.4.4 车架的扭矩及扭转角计算    8
2.5本章小结    8
3 车架三维模型的建立    9
3.1 CREO软件介绍    9
3.2 三维模型的建立    9
3.3本章小结    18
4 车架有限元分析    19
4.1 有限元基本方法介绍    19
4.2 ANSYS软件介绍    19
4.3导入模型    20
4.4单元的类型    21
4.5车架的材料    21
4.6划分网格    22
4.7网格的质量检查    23
4.8静力分析    23
4.8.1 弯曲工况    23
4.8.2 扭转工况    25
4.8.3紧急制动工况    26
4.8.4紧急转弯工况    27
5 车架的模态特性分析    28
5.1模态分析的理论    28
5.2模态分析    29
6 结论    31
参考文献    32
致谢    33
