摘 要:悬架是保证车轮或车桥与汽车承载系统之间具有弹性联系并能传递载荷、缓和冲击、衰减振动以及调节汽车行驶中的车身位置等有关装置的总称。悬架最主要的功能是传递作用在车轮和车架之间的一切力和力矩,并缓和汽车行驶过不平路面时所产生的冲击,衰减由此引起的承载系统的振动,以保证汽车行驶的平顺性。本文讨论了汽车悬架的发展现状,对悬架的结构形式进行简单介绍,对影响悬架运动的各种因素进行分析,主要对中型货车板簧悬架的主要参数进行设计计算,包括中型货车前桥钢板弹簧、后桥复合式钢板弹簧、汽车减振器参数的选择计算和横向稳定杆的设计计算。为进一步设计板簧悬架提供了较有价值的资料。
Design of Medium Truck Suspension with Leaf Spring
Author: Cao Wenjun
Tutor: Sun Songlin
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract:Suspension involves some related components, which exist to guarantee elastic contact between wheels or axle and the carrying system. It also has a great contribution in transferring the load, cushioning the impact, attenuating vibration, and regulating the position of the body of the running car. Apart from the transformation of force and moment between wheels and frame, it helps cushion the impact when uneven road surface is encountered, undermine the following vibration of carrying system, as a result, provide a great possibility of smoothly running. This paper discusses the current development of vehicle suspension, gives a brief introduction of the structural form of suspension, analyze factors which have influence on suspension movement. The major part of this paper are calculation and design of leaf spring on front axle of medium truck, combined leaf spring on rear axle, stabilizer bar, as well as choosing the parameters of shock absorber. All of these are preconditions to further design of suspension with leaf spring.
Keywords: Suspension; leaf spring; shock absorber

目 录
摘要 1
关键字 1
1 前言 1
2 悬架主要参数的确定 2
2.1 影响平顺性的参数 2
2.2 影响平顺性的参数 3
2.3 影响纵向稳定性的参数 3
3 悬架设计方案确定 3
3.1 非独立式悬架简介 3
3.2 独立悬架简介 3
3.2 选择合适的悬架型式 4
4 前桥钢板弹簧的设计计算 4
4.1 设计参数 4
4.2 初选参数 5
4.3 钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 7
4.4 钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径的计算 8
4.5 钢板弹簧总成弧高的核算 10
4.6 钢板弹簧强度核算 11
4.7 钢板弹簧卷耳和弹簧销的强度核算 11
5 后桥钢板弹簧的设计计算 13
5.1 按平顺性要求选择主副簧刚度 13
5.2 按应力规范的要求修正设计参数 15
5.3 主副簧的负荷分配和应力核算 17
5.4 确定主副簧弧高和支架的位置 18
5.5 作图法确定主副簧长度 19
6 减振器设计计算 19
6.1 减振器的分类 20
6.2 减振器的选择 20
6.2.1 减振器相对阻尼系数 20
6.2.2 减振器阻尼系数δ的确定 21
6.2.3 最大卸荷力 的确定 21
6.2.4 筒式减振器工作缸直径D的确定 22
6.2.5 查表确定减振器参数 23
7 结论 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25