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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16310403 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310403

摘 要

Design of automatic rope device for freight car
This paper first of China's road transport and transport in the presence of some of the main problems of the analysis, in view of the relevant issues involved in the objective analysis of the demonstration and put forward solutions. In the recent years, China's road transport industry maintained rapid development, the momentum of steady growth, through in recent years, the domestic economic development of big data data and domestic changes with each passing day, can be very confident assertions, along with the development of the domestic economy, the state of domestic for the transport industry will pay more and more attention to, especially with the pull of the transport industry to the logistics demand. Domestic freight the overall size of the market in recent years will continue to expand, the transportation industry in the development of the national economy artery will be more and more obvious. But with the rapid development in recent years, the domestic road transport, cargo transportation infrastructure did not timely and on the overall transport transport capacity, resulting in the timeliness of the road transport industry and rapid response is extremely limited, this paper is in view of the current China road transport infrastructure - truck proposed some solutions and optimization method
Key words: road transportation, logistics, transportation industry, timeliness


目  录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第1章  绪论    1
1.1目前国内公路运输的重要性    1
1.2国内运输状况的具体表现    1
1.3公路运输车型的改变    2
第2章  市场上货运汽车的大致样式和紧绳器的应用    4
2.1 市场上货车的主要类型    4
2.2 货车样式与紧绳器类型选取的关系    6
2.3紧绳器发展的变革-平板半挂牵引车的出现    7
第3章  紧绳器的优劣势及常见问题    8
3.1紧绳器的基本图示说明    8
3.2紧绳器的优势    8
3.3几种常见的紧绳器出现的问题    10
第4章 市场上紧绳器种类的和功能    12
4.1各个类型紧绳器的介绍    12
4.2紧绳器的机构分析    14
4.3紧绳器机构的作用实现    14
4.4如何合理分配紧绳器装置的各个位置    16
第5章  汽车电路与紧绳器结构的合理连接    17
5.1大型货车的电力来源及电势大小    17
5.2紧绳器电机的选用    17
5.3普通V带设计计算    18
5.4高速齿轮的设计计算    21
5.5轴的设计    24
5.6滚动轴承寿命校核    27
5.7紧绳机构的优化:    28
第6章  紧绳器的相关改进点    30
6.1紧绳器可能出现的故障    30
第7章 结论    31
参考文献    32
致谢    33
