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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316001 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316001



As one of the important parts of the automobile, the clutch is connected with the engine and power transmission system, which plays an important role in the coordination and protection of the vehicle starting, gear shift conversion and power output. The main is to ensure the smooth start of the vehicle, to assist the transmission speed change, and play the power overload protection function. Especially for manual transmission of the car clutch is more important. Thus the analysis of the clutch failure phenomenon, reason, to explore the common fault of the clutch troubleshooting, and then, in order to improve the clutch repair process lay a solid foundation. This paper introduces the classification, structure characteristics and working principle of clutch; analysis and research to the common faults of the clutch, and emphatically introduces reasons, common faults and fault discharge phenomenon of the clutch; and put forward the method of the correct use of the clutch, clutch and the matters needing attention to maintenance and maintenance. In order to better use and maintenance of the clutch, try to avoid the occurrence of clutch failure, while prolonging its service life to create favorable conditions.
Keywords:Clutch; fault diagnosis; analysis; maintenance



摘要    1
Abstract    2
第1章绪论    4
1.1离合器的综述    4
1.2离合器的功用    4
1.3离合器发展概况    4
1.4研究目的和意义    5
1.5研究内容    5
第2章离合器的结构与工作原理    6
2.1离合器的分类    6
2.2离合器结构与特点    7
2.3离合器的工作原理    8
第3章离合器常见故障与原因分析    11
3.1离合器踏板沉重    11
3.2离合器打滑    11
3.3离合器分离不彻底    12
3.4离合器接合时抖动    13
3.5离合器接合不平顺    13
3.6离合器异响    14
第4章离合器使用、维护及检修注意事项    15
4.1离合器的使用    15
4.2离合器的维护    15
4.3离合器的拆装    16
总结    17
致谢    18
参考文献    19
