摘 要
This paper is mainly about the finite element analysis and optimization design of the suspension system of 100t hydraulic support van. Firstly, the research status of support van at home and abroad is studied, and the problems encountered in practical use are explained, combined with domestic and foreign research background, the research status of support van at home and abroad is understood, which indicates the direction of CAE analysis and optimization design.
The CAE analysis and optimization design of suspension system of 100t hydraulic powered support vehicle are studied in this paper. We only study the part of the van. The car has a total of eight wheels, equipped with eight independent suspension. As with the general mine vehicle use the bearing capacity strong oil and gas suspension system. This paper briefly describes the structure and simple working principle of hydro-pneumatic suspension system, and analyzes the dynamic characteristics and strength stiffness characteristics of hydro-pneumatic suspension on the basis of principle. Finally, the suspension system is optimized by the data obtained from the simulation.
Firstly, the dynamic model of the suspension system is established. The oil and gas suspension model established in CATIA is introduced into ADAMS, and then various constraints and forces are used to simulate the displacement of the road surface. The stress of the three core points and the acceleration of the upper pin are simulated on the suspension system, the lower pin and the cushioning system. And the influence of its structural characteristics on the dynamic characteristics of the suspension system was analyzed.
After the simulation is complete, the stiffness and strength of the suspension system are analyzed by using the Hypermesh grid, which provides the parameters needed for optimization.
This paper carries on the dynamic analysis and strength stiffness analysis of the suspension system of 100t hydraulic support van, studies the effect of its structural characteristics on the suspension system performance, and through optimization to make the system meet the actual requirements, enhance its wear and service life. Improve the understanding of the engineering vehicle suspension system in actual use.
Key Words:Stent cart,Oil and gas suspension,kinetics analysis,Strength and stiffness,Optimized design

第一章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究意义 2
1.4研究的主要内容 2
第二章悬架系统模型的建立和动力学仿真 3
2.1概述 3
2.2ADAMS软件介绍 3
2.3油气悬架的原理 4
2.4油气悬架模型的建立 4
2.5悬架系统动力学仿真 5
2.6架系统动力学仿真的结果 7
2.7本章小结 15
第三章悬架系统刚度以及强度仿真 15
3.1HyperMesh软件介绍 15
3.2HyperMesh导入模型 15
3.3HyperMesh模型处理(几何清理) 16
3.4Hypermesh画网格 18
3.5定义材料属性与赋予材料 19
3.6施加边界条件 20
3.7添加约束和载荷 21
3.8建立工况 23
3.9求解 23
3.10桥壳支臂刚度和强度分析 25
3.11本章小结 27
第四章优化设计 27
4.1优化设计 27
4.2优化后支柱刚度和强度分析 29
4.3本章小结 29
结 论 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32