来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16316034 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316034
关键词:汽车车架 实体建模 载荷分析
Automobile frame is connected to the axle of a structure similar to the bridge, the frame is the basis of the entire vehicle. Its purpose is to support connected the various parts and assembly of motor vehicles and make them to ensure the correct relative position; under the car and the ground from a variety of static and dynamic load.
The main subject of study for the heavy vehicle frame the contents of the following areas:
1. Describes the structure of frame type and function。
2. on the frame were made based on Pro / e three-dimensional solid modeling, including parts of the drawing and the parts of the assembly.
3. on the frame for a load analysis, the bending strength of the frame model, and made the appropriate moment diagram and shear force diagram.
Key words: Automobile frame Solid Modeling Load Analysis

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 车架技术研究进展和现况 1
1.2.1 国外发展现状 1
1.2.2 国内发展现状 2
第二章 车架结构概述 3
2.1 车架的结构形式 3
2.2 车架的结构设计 6
2.2.1 纵梁形式的确定 6
2.2.2 横梁形式的确定 6
2.2.3 纵梁与横梁的连接 7
第三章 车架设计三维建模 9
3.1 建模软件简介 9
3.2 车架三维建模 10
3.2.1建立大梁 10
3.2.2尾梁的建立 11
3.2.3横梁建立 11
3.2.4钢板弹簧的建模 12
3.2.5 车架零件的组装 13
第四章 车架的设计计算 14
4.1 车架的计算: 14
4.1.1纵梁弯曲应力 14
4.1.2局部扭转应力 15
4.1.3车架扭转时纵梁应力 16
4.2 车架载荷分析 16
4.2.1 对称的垂直动载荷 16
4.2.2 斜对称的动载荷 17
4.3 车架弯曲强度的计算 17
4.3.1 受力分析 17
4.3.2 弯矩的计算 17
4.3.3 强度验算 20
4.4 车架扭转应力的计算 22
4.4.1 受力分析 22
4.4.2 求最大扭矩 22
第五章 总结 25
参考文献 26
致谢 28