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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316037 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316037


Suspension is one of the important components of the car, it willconnect axle (or wheel) and the frame (or body) elastically, passing the force and torquebetween wheels and the frame.This thesisis written about the four-wheel drive rear suspension design, which references Honda CRV car rear suspension. I choose double wishbone independent suspension, and its two armsswing in the car's horizontal plane.Appropriate selection of the length of the upper and lower arm can make the tread remain the same in the process of running, decrease the wear and tear of the tire, and ensure good driving stability.This thesisincludes the purpose and significance of the suspension design, the composition of the suspensionsystem, the choice of independent suspension and the non-independent suspension, the choice of the specific structure of the suspension, the calculation of the suspension parameters, the calculation of the guide mechanism, the specific calculation of the elastic element, and the specific calculation of the shock absorber.And then ADAMS isusedto simulate the suspension to ensure that the design of the suspension to meet the requirements.
Keywords:double wishbone independent suspension;spiral spring;double-barrel shock absorber; guide mechanism;ADAMS
尺寸参数    长/宽/高/(mm)    4575/1820/1680
    轴距(mm)    2620
    轮距(前/后)(mm)    1565/1565
质量参数    整备质量(kg)    1555
    满载总质量(kg)    2010
性能参数    最高车速(km/h)    182
    0-100km/h加速时间(s)    10.39
    最大爬坡度(%)    30


第1章绪论    1
1.1课题研究的目的和意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3设计的基本内容和目标    2
1.3.1设计的基本内容    2
1.3.2设计的目标    2
第2章悬架选型    3
2.1悬架系统的作用和组成    3
2.2独立悬架与非独立悬架的选择    3
2.3悬架具体结构形式的选择    3
第3章悬架参数选择    5
3.1悬架静挠度    5
3.2悬架动挠度    6
3.3簧上质量    6
3.4悬架刚度    7
第4章导向机构设计    8
4.1导向机构的设计要求    8
4.2导向机构尺寸的设计    8
4.3导向机构侧倾中心高度的设计    9
4.4导向机构在纵向平面内的布置    10
4.5导向机构在水平面内的布置    11
第5章弹性元件设计    12
5.1弹性元件的作用及分类    12
5.2螺旋弹簧参数设计    12
5.2.1弹簧刚度    12
5.2.2弹簧钢丝直径    13
5.2.3弹簧工作圈数    14
5.3螺旋弹簧的校核    14
第6章减振器设计    16
6.1减振器的分类    16
6.2减振器的参数设计    16
6.2.1相对阻尼系数    16
6.2.2减振器阻尼系数    17
6.2.3最大卸荷力    18
6.2.4主要尺寸参数    18
第7章悬架仿真    19
7.1轮距变化的仿真    19
7.2车轮外倾变化的仿真    20
第8章导向机构受力分析与强度校核    22
8.1单个作用力作用时的受力分析    22
8.1.1车轮只有垂直力FV作用    22
8.1.2车轮只有侧向力FL作用    23
8.1.3车轮只有驱动力FA作用    24
8.1.4车轮只有制动力FB作用    25
8.2四种工况的受力分析    26
8.2.1最大垂直力工况    26
8.2.2最大侧向力工况    27
8.2.3最大驱动力工况    28
8.2.4最大制动力工况    29
8.3强度校核    30
8.3.1上横臂的校核    30
8.3.2下横臂的校核    31
8.3.3连接板的校核    32
结论    33
参考文献    34
附录    35
致谢    42
