摘 要
The main function of the automobile transmission system when the vehicle drive axle differential is used is to make the inner and outer wheels rotate at different speeds during the turning of the automobile so as to achieve the purpose of wheel pure rolling. The performance of the differential will directly affect the operation and cornering performance of the car. This paper analyzes the dynamic characteristics based on the symmetric bevel gear differential that is currently used in most vehicles.
This paper first uses Pro/E software to construct the three-dimensional model of the drive axle differential, and then imports it into ADAMS to construct the differential virtual prototype model, and then analyzes the different driving conditions. By analyzing the dynamics of differentials at different vehicle speeds, the relationship between differential gear speed, angular acceleration, meshing force and vehicle speed is obtained; the speed characteristics of the differential are verified through analysis of turning conditions and obtained. Compared with the straight-line driving, the gear speed of the differential gear fluctuates more during the turn; through the analysis of the starting conditions, the change curve of the speed of the differential gear and its meshing force in the acceleration process is obtained.
In addition, the performance characteristics of the differential when the differential gears and planet gears are offset and deflected are simulated. It is concluded that the offset and deflection of the axle gears will affect the speed characteristics of the differentials. Differentials do not work properly, and the offset and deflection of the axle gear have little effect on the normal operation of the differential.
Key Words:Differential;ADAMS;Dynamic;Simulation analysis

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文研究的主要内容及技术路线 3
1.4 本章小结 3
第2章 电动汽车驱动桥的基础理论 4
2.1 驱动桥基本结构与功用 4
2.2 主减速器 4
2.3 差速器 5
2.3.1 差速器的功用及其基本结构 5
2.3.2 对称式圆锥齿轮差速器的差速原理 6
2.3.3 对称式圆锥齿轮差速器的转矩特性 9
2.4 半轴和桥壳 9
2.5 本章小结 10
第3章 差速器三维模型的构建 11
3.1 Pro/Engineer Wildfire5.0软件简介 11
3.2 Pro/Engineer Wildfire5.0主要模块简介 11
3.3 差速器主要零部件的建模 12
3.4 差速器的虚拟装配 12
3.5 本章小结 13
第4章差速虚拟样机模型的构建 14
4.1 虚拟样机技术简述 14
4.2 ADAMS软件简介 14
4.3 齿轮碰撞接触理论 15
4.4 运用ADAMS对差速器虚拟样机模型进行构建 16
4.4.1 将三维模型导入ADAMS 16
4.4.2 建立差速器虚拟样机模型 16
4.5 本章小结 19
第5章 差速器在不同行驶工况下的动力学仿真分析 21
5.1 汽车以30km/h车速直线行驶的差速器动力学分析 21
5.2 汽车以90km/h车速直线行驶的差速器动力学分析 27
5.3 以恒定车速转弯时的差速器动力学分析 31
5.4 汽车起步工况差速器动力学分析 37
5.5 本章小结 40
第6章 存在装配误差下的差速器动力学分析 41
6.1 差速器齿轮间啮合间隙存在误差时的动力学分析 41
6.1.1 差速器右端半轴齿轮向左偏移0.2cm的动力学分析 41
6.1.2 差速器右端半轴齿轮向右偏移0.2cm的动力学分析 46
6.1.3 差速器上端行星齿轮向下偏移0.2cm的动力学分析 50
6.1.4 差速器上端行星齿轮向上偏移0.2cm的动力学分析 55
6.2 差速器齿轮间啮合角度存在误差时的动力学分析 58
6.2.1 差速器右端半轴齿轮逆时针偏转1°的动力学分析 58
6.2.2 差速器右端半轴齿轮顺时针偏转1°的动力学分析 61
6.2.3 差速器上端行星齿轮逆时针偏转1°的动力学分析 63
6.2.4差速器上端行星齿轮顺针偏转1°的动力学分析 65
6.3 本章小结 67
第7章 总结 69
参考文献 70
致 谢 72