来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16316087 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316087
The purpose of this paper is to lightly design the brakes of the 8th generation Camry car. Firstly, based on the design of the car and related design experience, the design uses the floating clamp disc brakes, and completes the selection of the brake pipe and the vacuum booster. The design, then use the design basic parameters of the Camry car brake to design the main structural parameters of the brake, and then use the CATIA software to build the 3D model and complete the 2D drawing design; the second part of the design is to lightly design the brakes. The lightweight direction selection material C/C-SiC shows its superiority in brake weight reduction through data analysis. The last part is to use abaqus software to simulate the brake braking process and analyze the brake disc braking process. The thermal stress characteristic changes and temperature field characteristics change, and then the superiority and rationality of C/C-SiC composite materials applied to brake lightweighting are analyzed. Finally, the thermal decay resistance of C/C-SiC composite brakes is analyzed.
Key words:Brake; lightweight;abaqus;C/C-SiC
表2.1 制动器设计基础参数
已知参数 第八代凯美瑞2019 2.0E
整车质量(空载)(Kg) 1530
整车质量(满载)(Kg) 2000
轴距(mm) 2825
质心高度(mm) 600
前轴距(mm) 1270
后轴距(mm) 1555
最大扭矩(N/m) 210
最高车速(Km/h) 205

摘要 I
第一章绪论 1
1.1制动器简介 1
1.2国内外汽车制动器轻量化发展现状与未来趋势 1
第二章制动器总体设计和结构设计 4
2.1第八代凯美瑞制动器结构与工作原理 4
2.2制动器管路选择 5
2.3第八代凯美瑞制动器设计技术参数 6
2.4浮钳盘式制动器的主要参数选择及计算 6
2.4.1制动盘直径D 6
2.4.2制动盘厚度h 6
2.4.3摩擦衬块外半径R2与内半径R1 7
2.4.4摩擦衬块工作面积A 7
2.4.5 制动驱动机构对制动盘的压紧力F0 7
第三章制动器和驱动机构设计及计算 8
3.1同步附着系数φ0 8
3.2制动器制动力分配系数β 8
3.3前后轮制动力矩确定 8
3.4摩擦衬片的磨损特性计算 9
3.5制动轮缸直径d和工作容积V 10
3.6制动主缸直径d0 10
3.7制动踏板力Fp和制动踏板工作行程Sp 11
第四章制动器轻量化和仿真分析 12
4.1 C/C-SiC应用于制动器轻量化合理性 12
4.2 制动器制动过程数值模拟 13
4.2.1 数值模拟前提条件 13
4.2.2 通风盘式制动器尺寸与材料参数 14
4.2.3 制动器制动仿真过程 15
4.2.4制动器制动过程数值模拟结果分析 17
4.2.5 热衰退性分析 20
第五章结论 22
参考文献 23
附录 MATLAB编制制动力分配曲线 25
致谢 26