来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16316101 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316101
使用手持激光扫描仪采集前照灯各个零件的外表面点云数据,使用CATIA中的Digitized Shape Editor(数字形状编辑)对采集到的点云数据进行了数据处理,手动去除杂点噪点,并精简点云数据。使用Quick Surface Reconstruction(快速曲面重构)以及Generative Shape Design(创成式外观设计)重构出了前照灯零部件三维模型。测量了随动转向模块各个零件尺寸,采用实体建模方法构建出了随动转向控制器三维模型。
针对以上构建的随动转向控制器模型,运用有限元分析方法,使用Ansys Workbench建立有限元分析模型,对随动转向模块进行了静力学分析,得到了关键零件的应力云图,找到了零件受力薄弱处。
The parts of the car headlights have a very complicated surface structure. When performing the reverse design, it takes a lot of time and effort to find a suitable facet method, so that the fitted face piece is close to the original model. The Mondeo headlamps also include a follow-up steering module that is driven by a stepper motor to rotate the follower frame, which requires verification of its structural reliability. This paper focuses on the application of reverse engineering in the design of headlamps and the static simulation of the follow-up steering module and does the following work:
Use the handheld laser scanner to collect the external surface point cloud data of each part of the headlights; Use the Digitized Shape Editor in CATIA to process the collected point cloud data, and manually remove the noise and simplify Point cloud data. The 3D model of the headlamp component was reconstructed by using Quick Surface Reconstruction and Generative Shape Design. The dimensions of each part of the follow-up steering module are measured, and the three-dimensional model of the follow-up steering controller is constructed by the solid modeling method.
According to the above-mentioned follow-up steering controller model, the finite element analysis method was used to establish the finite element analysis model withAnsys Workbench. The static analysis of the follow-up steering module was carried out, and the stress cloud of the key parts was obtained, which indicates weak place of the parts.
Key words: headlights;reverse engineering;AFS;finite element;static analysis
本文的主要目标是对蒙迪欧前照灯进行逆向设计,并得到其主要零件的二维图和整体的装配图。针对前照灯的随动转向模块,采用实体建模方法,并使用Ansys Workbench对其进行静力学仿真分析。主要工作总结如下:
1.4.2 本文结构

第1章绪论 7
1.1研究背景 7
1.2逆向工程概述 7
1.2.1逆向工程发展现状 8
1.3AFS前照灯概述 9
1.3.1AFS前照灯发展现状 9
1.3.2AFS前照灯结构 10
1.3.3AFS前照灯仿真分析 12
1.4本文的主要工作和结构 12
1.4.1主要工作 12
1.4.2本文结构 13
第2章汽车前照灯数据采集与数据处理 14
2.1前照灯的数据采集 14
2.2前照灯的点云数据处理 14
2.2.1坏点、杂点去除 15
2.2.2点云过滤 15
2.2.3点云可视化 16
第3章前照灯CAD模型重构 18
3.1灯罩模型重构 18
3.2随动转向执行机构重构 20
第4章 AFS前照灯转向模块的静力学分析 22
4.1减速机构有限元模型 22
4.1.1减速机构受力分析 22
4.1.2材料定义 23
4.1.3接触定义 23
4.1.4划分网格 23
4.1.5边界条件定义 23
4.2执行机构有限元模型 24
4.2.1执行机构结构特点 24
4.2.2材料定义 24
4.2.3接触定义 24
4.2.4划分网格 25
4.2.5边界条件定义 26
4.3静力学仿真结果 26
4.3.1减速机构仿真结果 26
4.3.2执行机构仿真结果 27
第 5 章全文总结与展望 29
5.1本文工作总结 29
5.2未来工作展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 32