With the increasingly serious environmental pollution and energy crisis, the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are the major sources of energy consumption and exhaust emissions, thus it is imperative to develop new energy vehicles. The hub motor drives the car with hub motor integrated with the wheel, eliminating the traditional transmission mechanism, and is a promising electric vehicle drive solution.
On the basis of learning and summarizing the development results of domestic and foreign wheel hub electric drive, this design selects the internal rotor hub motor and the first-stage NGW planetary gear reducer to design the drive scheme based on the comparison of various transmission schemes. The power is transmitted from the motor to the input shaft, and meshes with the planetary gear through the sun gear and the fixed ring gear. After being decelerated and twisted, the planet carrier outputs power to the wheel.
First, select the motor according to the target vehicle performance requirements, and then select the gear ratio that meets the motion requirements to calculate the gear of the planetary gear reducer. According to the initial calculation modulus of the gear root bending stress, the gear size parameters are calculated first and the gears are checked in detail.
Then the design and calculation of the various components and their support of the planetary gear reducer are carried out, and the uniform load mechanism is used to make the bearing of each planetary wheel uniform. Then use CATIA software to complete the 3D model of each component and assemble it. On this basis, the motion simulation of the mechanism is carried out to verify that the mechanism works as expected.
The driving scheme of the inner rotor hub motor acceleration and deceleration has not yet been mass-produced on the passenger car. This design has been tried for a certain reference.
Keywords: electric vehicle, hub electric drive system, planetary gear reducer, CATIA modeling
车辆参数 数值
整车质量m(kg) 1200
空气阻力系数CD 0.35
迎风面积(m2) 2.6
滚动阻力系数f 0.02
轮毂尺寸(英寸) 14
旋转换算系数 1.02
最高车速(km/h) 120
0-100km/h加速时间(s) <10
最大爬坡度i(%) 30

摘要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3设计内容 2
1.3.1设计方向 2
1.3.2设计基本内容 3
第2章 轮毂减速器设计 4
2.1轮毂电驱动系统类型及选择 4
2.2轮毂减速器的传动方案 5
2.2.1轮毂减速器概述 5
2.2.2行星齿轮减速器选型 5
2.3本章小结 6
第3章 轮毂驱动的参数确定及关键零部件设计 7
3.1轮毂电机性能参数的确定 7
3.1.1整车性能要求 7
3.2.2驱动电机参数计算(四轮驱动) 7
3.2行星齿轮减速器主要零部件设计 9
3.2.1行星齿轮传动齿数分配应满足的条件 9
3.2.2齿轮受力分析和强度设计计算 10
3.2.3齿轮校核计算 15
3.3.4其他零部件的设计计算 20
3.3本章小结 24
第4章 行星齿轮传动结构的设计 25
4.1行星齿轮传动的均载机构 25
4.2轮毂电驱动系统的三维模型建立 26
4.2.1中心轮的结构设计及其支承设计 26
4.2.2行星轮的结构设计及其支承设计 27
4.3.3齿圈结构设计与固定 27
4.3.4转臂的结构设计 28
4.3.5装配设计 28
4.3本章小结 29
第5章 总结与展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32