摘 要
Motor-driven programmes in a variety of electric vehicles, electric-wheel electric vehicles can give full play to the advantages of electric vehicles, is an ideal model. Rotor in-wheel motor because of the existing motor stretch too long outside the body inside, not fully concentrated inside the rim; Put the reducer to the inside rim of this design, reduced internal rotor motor wheel in axial and radial dimensions of body inside, hoping to make the structure more compact, so that suspension arrangement, to leave more space within the body. Through integrated design of structure of this article, limited within the rim of space, depending on the structure of different suspension, make compact, efficient transmission, collection, round-reducer in-wheel motors as one wheel drive system module. Through the comparison of various specific programmes, wheel drive system that is more suitable for structure, enables the system to have a larger speed range and output torque, give full play to drive motor speed regulating characteristics, suitable for modern high performance electric vehicle operation requirements. This design is based on electric forklift truck as carrier, given the transmission output torque, rotational speed and the highest speed, climbing, and other conditions, designed to meet the requirements of, connection device, motor drive, drive axle option focuses on design and calculation of gear structural parameters and checking it. After analysis of the various structural components, and major parts of the reducer Assembly drawing parts.
Key words: wheel-side reducer; Electric wheels; Electric vehicles; Drive axle; Connected devices
满载质量:1000kg ;最高速:60km/h;最大爬坡度:20%;0-30km/h加速时间:不大于8s;减速比:5。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题的背景、目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究状况和相关领域中已有的研究成果 2
1.3预期的结果和意义 4
第2章 总体方案布置 5
2.1机构 5
2.2运转过程 5
2.3本章小结 5
第3章 电机选择 6
3.1电机参数计算 6
3.1.1以最高车速确定电机额定功率 6
3.1.2根据要求车速的爬坡度计算 7
3.1.3 根据额定功率来确定电机的最大功率 7
3.1.4最大转速的选择 7
3.1.5 电机额定转速和转速的选择 7
3.2电机的选择 8
3.3本章小结 8
第4章 轮边减速器设计与校核 9
4.1 设计参数 9
4.2 方案设计 9
4.2.1 传动形式选择 9
4.2.2 齿形及精度设计 9
4.2.3 齿轮材料及其性能 9
4.2.4 传动比分配 9
4.3 高速级设计计算 9
4.3.1 配齿数a 9
4.3.2 初步计算齿轮主要参数 10
4.3.3 齿轮变位计算 11
4.3.4 几何尺寸计算 13
4.3.5 齿轮疲劳强度校核 13
4.3.6 行星轮轴承计算 19
4.3.7 行星架设计计算 20
4.4 本章小结 22
第5章 驱动桥桥壳设计 23
5.1 前言 23
5.2 桥壳的受力分析及强度计算 23
5.2.1 桥壳的静弯曲应力计算 23
5.2.2 在不平路面冲击载荷作用下桥壳的强度计算 24
5.2.3以最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳的强度计算 24
5.2.4紧急制动时的桥壳强度计算 25
5.2.5受最大侧向力时桥壳的强度计算 26
5.3 本章小结 28
结论 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31