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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315905 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315905

摘 要
关键字:变电站  主变压器  短路电流  电气设备 
220/35kV Substation (One Main Transformer) Partial
Primary Design
Electricity, as the most convenient and cleanest energy to use, has been applied to various aspects of modern society. The discovery and use of electric energy has brought great changes to people's daily life and production. Electricity is both a guarantee for the stable operation of society and a driving force for the development of society.In recent years, China's economic construction has shown a steady and rapid development trend, among which the momentum of industrial development is even more rapid. With the development of industry, the demand for electric energy is also increasing.Substations, as an extremely important part of the transmission, transformation and distribution of power systems, have a great impact on the entire power grid and even the entire society.
The task of this graduation project is to design the electric part of the 220/35kV step-down substation. First, according to the actual requirements of the transformer substation to make an overall analysis, and on this basis, the design of the substation includes main connection determination, main transformer selection, short-circuit meter equipment selection and lightning protection ground protection.
Keywords: mian substation; transformer ; short-circuit current ; electrical equipment


摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 概述    6
1.1题目背景与意义    6
1.2设计内容    6
第二章 待设变电站的总体分析    8
2.1待设计的变电站地位及其作用    8
2.2变电站负荷情况及所址概括    8
2.3电力系统接线图    9
第三章 电气主接线设计    10
3.1基本要求和原则    10
3.2电气主接线的设计程序    12
3.3电气主接线的选择    12
第四章 主变压器的选择    14
4.1负荷计算    14
4.2主变压器容量和台数的确定原则    14
4.3主变压器型式和结构的选择    15
4.3.1 相数    15
4.3.2 绕组数与结构    15
4.3.3 阻抗和调压方式    15
第五章 短路计算    17
5.1短路的基本类型    17
5.2短路电流计算的目的    17
5.3假定条件    18
5.4短路计算    18
5.4.1标幺值    18
5.4.2各元件电抗值计算    19
5.4.3网络变换    19
5.4.4等值电路图的简化    20
5.4.5 K1点短路时    22
5.4.6 K2点短路时    23
第六章 主要电气设备的选择    27
6.1电气设备选择的一般条件    27
6.2 高压断路器和隔离开关的选择    28
6.2.1 高压断路器的选择    28
6.2.2隔离开关的选择    31
6.3互感器的选择及校验    32
6.3.1电流互感器的选择    33
6.3.2电压互感器的选择    34
6.4 母线的选择    35
6.4.1一般条件    35
6.4.2导体截面积选择    36
6.4.3 导体的选择( )    36
6.5避雷器的选择    37
6.5.1选择原则    37
6.5.2避雷器选择    38
第七章 配电装置    40
7.1高压配电装置的设计    40
7.1.1设计原则    40
7.1.2设计要求    40
7.2屋外配电装置(此次设计选择)    41
7.3布置原则    41
第八章 防雷保护    43
8.1避雷针定位    43
8.2防雷装置    44
8.3保护范围    44
8.3.1单根避雷针    44
8.3.2 两根等高避雷针    45
8.3.3 多根等高避雷针    45
8.4接地设计    46
第九章 继电保护    47
9.1电力变压器保护    47
9.2母线保护    48
9.3 断路器失灵保护    49
9.4 自动重合闸    49
9.5.1基本要求    49
9.5.2装设条件    49
总结和展望    51
参考文献    52
致谢    54
