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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315910 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315910

摘  要

Elevator serial communication system based on CANBUS bus
This project is a project on the study of the elevator, first proposed elevator to the serial communication system requirements, then based on CANBUS communication system network structure, which can be as a separate module connected to the CANBUS backbone network. The elevator serial communication system using only a single twisted pair (plus two power lines) on the realization of the main computer of a control cabinet and the sub node (the car operation panel, car top inspection control box, each layer called the ladder panel) between all the signal transmission. It will not only save the large number of cables and computer I / O port, and the installation workload is greatly reduced, and this laid the foundation for the blocking and standardization of production of elevators. CANBUS bus with a mass master structure, the control nodes on the network can initiate communication, communication mode is flexible, there is no relationship between the master and slave, so it is easy to form a redundant ( tolerance) system. In addition, according to the CAN media access control mode, send the data will always be priority to request data, which fundamentally guarantee the priority of each node failure alarm, so as to ensure the reliability of the system work in the hardware. CANBUS system through the corresponding CAN interface connected to the low cost of industrial equipment network. The direct connection can not only provide the equipment level fault diagnosis scheme, but also enhance the communication efficiency and the compatibility between the devices. Because CANBUS becomes the main body of the serial communication system of the elevator, it can be more safe and stable.
Key words:CANBUS; The elevator;  Serial communication


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1 电梯简介    1
1.1.1  电梯的构造与基本原理    1
1.1.2  电梯控制系统的构成与任务    2
1.2 CANBUS总线概述    2
1.2.1  CAN总线简介    3
1.2.2  CAN总线的起源    3
1.2.3  CAN总线的应用    3
1.2.4  CAN总线的特点    4
1.3 以CAN总线为基础的电梯控制系统    5
1.3.1  CAN总线电梯控制系统的组网设计    5
1.3.2  CAN总线电梯控制系统传统通信协议    5
1.3.3  电梯控制系统CAN总线的高级通信协议——CANopen协议    6
1.4  电梯串行通讯系统    7
1.4.1  CAN 总线技术规范    8
第二章 CAN总线技术    10
2.1  CAN总线的电梯数据通信系统总体结构    10
2.2  CAN总线的电梯数据通信节点硬件接口设计    10
2.3  智能网络控制器软件设计    12
2.4  CAN总线在电梯监控系统中的应用    13
2.4.1监控程序框图    14
2.4.2 一种电梯监控系统的总体设计    14
2.4.3系统构成与工作原理    16
2.5 通信设计    17
2.5.2节点软件通信任务设计    18
2.6 CAN总线数据分析    18
2.6.1系统框图    19
2.6.2 CAN网络节点接口电路设计    19
2.6.3 控制柜主电脑与节点微处理器之间的接口    20
2.7 CAN通讯软件设计    21
2.7.1 CAN错误处理机制    21
2.7.2 编程对策    22
2.7.3 系统抗干扰措施    22
2.8 CAN整体说明    22
第三章  基于CAN总线的电梯串行通信系统    24
3.1 电梯串行通信系统功能    24
3.2 电梯串行通信构成    24
3.3 通信策略和报文协议的设计    25
3.3.1 基于主/从通信的数据传送策略    25
3.3.2 节点间的共享数据    25
3.3.3 节点间的通信报文协议制订    26
3.4 控制串行通信系统硬件设计    27
3.4.1 控制系统硬件设计    27
3.4.2 轿厢控制节点和楼层检测节点的硬件设计    27
3.4.3 电机控制节点和监控节点的硬件设计    28
3.5 电梯串行通信系统的软件设计    29
3.5.1节点上线程序设计    29
3.5.2节点应用程序设计    30
第四章  电梯控制系统的整体构成设计    31
4.1电梯控制系统构成    31
4.2电梯控制系统硬件设计    31
4.3 CAN收发程序流程图    33
4.4 CANBUS网络节点硬件接口电路    35
4.4.1 CAN网络控制器PCA82C20    35
4.4.4 光电隔离芯片6N137    35
4.5 微处理器与CAN控制器的时序协调    36
4.6 主电脑与控制柜节点微处理器之间的通讯接口    36
第五章 总结与展望    38
参考文献    39
致   谢    42
