摘 要
关键词:变电站 短路计算 设备选择 配电装置
220KV substation electrical part of the preliminary design
With the development of economy and the rapid rise of modern industrial building, the design of the power supply system more comprehensive, systematic, rapid growth in electricity plants, power quality, technical and economic conditions, supply reliability indicators are also increasing, so the also have higher power supply design, better requirements.
Substation for electricity production and distribution has played a pivotal role, is to transform the power system voltage, receiving and distributing power to control the flow of electricity and adjust the voltage of power facilities, power transmission and control as the hub of the design is reasonable, not only directly affecting the infrastructure investment, operating costs and the consumption of non-ferrous metals, will also be reflected in the power supply reliability and safety aspects of it and the economic efficiency of enterprises, equipment, personal safety are closely related.
The design of substation electrical part strictly follow the design principles, the main part of the design introduces electrical substation basic knowledge, including design principles, procedures and calculation methods. Through the main electrical wiring design and calculation, the design of the electrical short-circuit current calculation, selection and verification of electrical equipment, power distribution equipment design and relay configuration, completed the electrical part of the system the preliminary design.
Keywords: Substation, short circuit calculations, equipment selection, power distribution unit.
1.系统基准 Sj=3000MVA
(1)地区性变电站 (2)电压220kV (3)站用电率0.75% (4)电源距离63km (5)Tmax=6000h (6)系统容量3000MVA (7)Xd“=0.5 (8)110kV系统有10回出线,带有负荷60MW,距离40km (9)35kV系统有8回出线带有负荷40MW,距离50km (10)功率因数0.8 (11)变电站不受场地限制,设计条件为标准状态。

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 我国变电所发展现状 1
1.2 变电所未来发展需要解决的问题 1
1.3原始资料 2
第二章 电气主接线设计 3
2.1主接线设计依据 3
2.1.1电气主接线的基本要求 4
2.1.2主接线接线方式概述 6
2.1.3主接线的选择 9
2.1.4主接线方案的比较 11
2.2 变电所主变压器选择 14
2.2.1主变台数及容量的选择 15
2.2.2主变压器型号选择 16
2.3 站用电设计 16
2.3.1所用电设计 17
2.3.2所用变压器选择 17
第三章 短路电流计算 19
3.1 概述 19
3.2短路电流计算 20
3.2.1短路电流计算步骤 21
3.2.2计算各元件的电抗值 22
3.2.3短路计算 24
第四章 电气设备、导体选择及校验 30
4.1概述 30
4.2 电气设备选择的技术条件 30
4.3 断路器的选择与校验 34
4.3.1 220KV断路器选择 35
4.3.2 110KV断路器选择 36
4.3.3 35KV断路器的选择 38
4.4 隔离开关的型号选择与校验 40
4.4.1 概述 40
4.4.2 隔离开关选择 40
4.5 导体的选择与校验 44
4.6互感器的选择 50
4.6.1 电压互感器的选择与校验 51
4.6.2电流互感器选择与校验 58
第五章 配电装置的选择 63
5.1 概述 63
5.2 配电装置的设计 64
第六章 防雷保护 66
5.1 防雷措施 66
5.2 避雷器的选择 66
第七章 继电保护 68
6.1 电力变压器的继电保护 68
6.2 线路保护配置 69
结束语 71
参考文献 72
致 谢 73