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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315946 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315946


The nonlinear robust control of synchronous generator based on differential algebraic system equation
Abstract: In this paper, the robust control theory is applied in electrical power system. In allusion to the differential algebraic system equation derived from the synchronous generator, a robust controller is designed. First of all, On the basis of nonlinear nominal system, adding different kind of noise interference to prove that backstepping control approach is practical and adaptable in the field of robust control by using MATLAB simulations. In addition, In allusion to the three-order differential algebraic model that describe the synchronous generator, using backstepping control approach to design the different controllers that can deal with the problem caused by different kind of the noise factors and the different location it appears to keep the whole system stable even if the system has noise factors. Finally, doing further research and analysis on the simulation achieved by using MATLAB.
Keywords: robust control; synchronous generator; differential algebraic system equation; backstepping control approach


1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究现状    2
1.3本文的研究目的及相关工作    3
2预备知识Chapter (Next) Section 1    3
2.1微分代数系统    3
2.2反步(Backstepping)控制方法    4
2.3Lyapunov稳定性判据    5
2.4同步发电机    5
3 反步鲁棒控制方法    9
3.1三阶标称系统的反步控制    9
3.2一般系统的鲁棒反步控制    16
3.3 乘性干扰下的反步鲁棒控制    20
3.3.1二阶系统乘性干扰下的反步鲁棒控制    20
3.3.2三阶系统乘性干扰下的反步鲁棒控制    25
3.4 加性干扰下的反步鲁棒控制    32
3.5本章小结    37
4匹配乘性噪声时同步发电机的汽门鲁棒反步控制    38
4.1系统描述和问题提出    38
4.2鲁棒控制器设计    39
4.3仿真研究    42
4.4本章小结    47
5匹配加性噪声时同步发电机的汽门鲁棒反步控制    48
5.1系统描述和问题提出    48
5.2控制器的设计    48
5.3仿真研究    52
5.4本章小结    59
6噪声非匹配时同步发电机的汽门鲁棒控制    59
6.1系统描述和问题提出    59
6.2控制器的设计    60
6.3仿真研究    66
6.4本章小结    66
7总结与展望    67
参考文献    68
致谢    69
