来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16315955 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315955
Design of electrical main wiring for 110KV substation
Abstract:In this paper, the load analysis is carried out according to the circuit and load material given. After consulting the related materials, the general and line direction of the proposed substation is considered, and the connection mode of the main wiring is determined. Then according to the load calculation, the number of stations and type selection of the main Transformer are determined. Then through the short-circuit current calculation, the corresponding circuit breakers, isolation switches, current Transformers, voltage Transformers and bus are selected. Thus, the main body design of the electric part of the station is realized.
Key words : Substations ; Transformers ; Electrical main wiring ; Setting Options
1 绪论 3
1.1 变电站的背景 3
1.2 变电站情况概括 3
1.3 变电站的意义 3
2 负荷分析计算 4
2.1 负荷分析的目的 4
2.2 负荷的表示方法 4
2.3待建变电站负荷计算 4
3 电气主接线 7
3.1 电气主接线设计的基本要求 7
3.2 主接线方案 8
4 短路电流计算 9
4.1 短路计算的目的 9
4.2 短路计算的一般规定 9
4.3 计算步骤 10
4.4变压器的参数计算 10
4.5 短路点的确定 10
4.6各短路点的短路计算 11
5 导体和电气设备的选择 13
5.1 导体和电气设备选择的一般条件 13
5.2 断路器的选择 13
5.3 隔离开关的选择 17
5.4 电流互感器的选择 18
5.5 电压互感器的选择 20
5.6 母线的选择 20
6 结论 22
参考文献: 25
致谢 27