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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634596 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634596

摘  要: 本试验大量引进各地的优势黑麦草品种,在大田中进行试验,用统计黑麦草鲜重、风干重的方法能很直观的筛选出产量高的牧用型黑麦草品种,在黑麦草耐热品质的方面,测定其生理生化指标,筛选出对高温抗性优良的草坪型黑麦草品种。 结果表明在试验组的12个黑麦草品种中:沃土、俄勒冈四倍体、抗锈王、麦迪的产量比较高,是我们筛选出的产量高的牧用型品种;首相在各方面的耐热性比其它品种明显要强,是我们筛选出的抗性强的草坪型品种。

The study of the production and quality of different ryegrass under high temperature stress
Abstract: In this study a large number of advantages over the introduction of ryegrass varieties in the field in the experiment. In this study, a statistical ryegrass fresh weight, dry weight method can filter out very intuitive to use, animal husbandry, high yield type ryegrass varieties, the quality of the heat-resistant ryegrass, the determination of the physiological and biochemical indexes were selected for resistance to high temperature Excellent varieties of turf-type ryegrass. The results showed that the experimental group of 12 ryegrass varieties: fertile, tetraploid Oregon, anti-rust Wang, Tracy McGrady of the relatively high yield, we screened the pastoral use of high yield varieties; Prime Minister in all aspects of the resistance heat significantly stronger than the other varieties, we selected a strong resistance to turf-type varieties.
Key word: heat stress; ryegrass; yield ;quality


目    录
摘  要    1
关键词    1
1  前言    2
1.1  黑麦草简介    2
1.2  引种与选择育种    2
1.2.1  引种    2
1.2.2  选择育种    3
1.2.3  杂交育种    3
1.2.4  生物技术育种    4
1.3 研究课题的目的和意义    4
2  材料与方法    5
2.1  材料与仪器    5
2.2  试验方法    5
2.2.1  黑麦草产量测定    5
2.2.2  生理生化指标测定    5
3  结论与分析    7
3.1  黑麦草产量统计    7
3.2  黑麦草在不同时期叶绿素含量    8
3.3  黑麦草在不同时期脯氨酸含量器    9
3.4  黑麦草在不同时期丙二醛含量    10
3.5  黑麦草在不同时期叶片膜质透性    11
3.6  黑麦草在不同时期过氧化物酶含量    11
4.  讨论    12
参考文献    13
致谢    15
