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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1637910 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637910

摘  要 :利用平板分离技术,以餐厅垃圾为降解基质从农药废水生化池活性污泥分离出1种细菌和1种真菌。根据菌种的耐碱度实验和降解力实验,表明真菌的降解能力相 当强,而混合菌种降解效果最好。经分析,活性污泥菌胶团强大的吸附能力、真菌高效的分解能力以及混合菌群中各菌种的互生、共生关系起到了很好的协同作用, 使降解效果大大提高。从菌落形态和显微镜观察到的菌体结构与形态情况看,初步确定该真菌属于子囊菌。
关键字:餐厅垃圾; 筛选;降解菌;

Research of Screening and Application on Predominated Degradation Bacteria to Restaurant Rubbish
Abstract: Two different kinds of strains are isolated from active sludge using plate screening techniques with  restaurant rubbish as the degrading material.one is a kind of ganism,the other is a kind of fungus.According to the experiment of alkaline bating and degradation,it is indicated that fungus has better degradation ability,and the mixed bacteria in proportion of 1:3 has the best function.The synergism is enhanced by the strong adsorption of the active sludge clump and the mutualism an d symbiosis relations of the mixed bacteria, an d these make the degradation function improved greatly.Seeing from the morphology of the colony an d the structure and the morphology of the bacteria,the fungus is identified as the Sac fungi.
Key words:;restaurant rubbish screen;degradation bacteria


目  录
摘  要    1
1.前言    2
1.1 什么是餐厅垃圾    4
1.2餐厅垃圾的主要成分及特点    4
1.3 国内外餐厅垃圾的产生及处理状况    4
1.4 目前餐厅垃圾处置的弊端    5
1.5餐厅垃圾的综合利用    5
1.6 结束语    6
2 材料    7
2.1试剂    7
2.2仪器    7
3 方法    7
3.2细菌的分离筛选    8
3.21分离    8
3.22筛选    8
3.3耐碱度实验    9
3.4降解力实验    9
3.5制作葡萄糖标准曲线并测定葡萄糖含量    10
3.6制作蛋白质标准曲线并测定蛋白质含量    10
4 结果与分析    11
4.1 葡萄糖的标准曲线    11
4.2牛血清蛋白的标准曲线    12
4.3微生物特征    13
4.4降解力实验    13
4.5耐碱度实验    13
4.6上清液中的葡萄糖含量    14
4.7上清液的蛋白质含量    15
5 结论    15
 参考文献    16
致谢    18
