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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634650 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634650

摘 要:为提高瓜果的商品价值,以满足人们对低糖蜜饯食品的需要,用西瓜皮作为原料,研究糖制方法对低糖蜂蜜西瓜皮蜜饯的影响。在1%食盐和0.1%柠檬酸的混合复合护色液进行2h的护色处理,6%氯化钙溶液中浸泡硬化8h的处理情况下,试验结果表明,糖制是影响产品质量的主要因素。在常温下的最佳工艺条件为,将瓜条在25%糖液中煮制5min,自然冷却糖渍15h,然后在相同条件下的35%糖液中煮制5min,自然冷却糖渍20h,糖液中蜂蜜的添加量为总糖量的1/3,酸度控制在0.5%左右,此种方法制作的西瓜皮蜜饯酸甜可口,色泽自然。

Research on Processing Technology of Water Melon pericarp Candy
Abstract:The present paper deals with the processing experiment of low sugar and honey watermelon hull. The influence of the method of preservation on the lower-sugar and honey using watermelon was principally studied through experiments. In the background of treating with 1% NaCl and 0.1% citric acid in 2 hour color protecting, and using CaCl2 as hardener, immersing 8 hour in normal temperature. The result indicates that boiling 5 minutes in 25% syrup and penetrating sugar 15 minutes, and boiling 5 minutes in 35% syrup and penetrating sugar 20 minutes with the same condition, adding 1/3 honey and 0.5% citric acid, the watermelon hull preserve with lower sugar was of good taste, color and tissue state.
Key words: watermelon pericarp; candy; honey; technology;


目  录      7700字
摘 要:    1
关键词:    1
1 前言    1
2 材料和方法    3
2.1.1材料    3
2.1.2仪器设备    3
2.1.3试剂    3
2.2试验方法    3
2.2.1工艺流程    3
2.2.2单因素试验    4
2.3正交试验    6
2.4验证实验    6
2.5成品检验    6
2.5.1感官评定    6
2.5.2理化测定    7
2.5.3蜜饯质量指标测定    7
3结果与分析    8
3.1单因素试验结果    8
3.1.1柠檬酸添加量试验结果    8
3.1.2糖煮时间试验结果    8
3.1.3糖渍时间试验结果    8
3.1.4糖液浓度试验结果    8
3.2正交试验结果与分析    8
3.3优化条件下蜜饯制作结果    10
3.4蜜饯感官指标测定结果    10
3.5蜜饯理化指标测定结果    10
3.6蜜饯质量指标测定结果    10
4结论    10
4.1单因素试验推论和结论    10
4.2正交试验推论和结论    11
4.3感官检验、理化检验及质量检验结论    11
参考文献    11
致谢    12
