来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634653 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634653
摘 要:本文以木耳,黄椒为试材,研究了黄椒脆耳的加工技术。结果表明,干木耳于冷水中浸泡4个小时后,洗净,切丝,沥干,再按复水重与黄椒的比例为7:3的重量加13%的植物油,1.2%的味精,拌料后,装瓶,封口,再于75℃~80℃热水中杀菌15分钟,其产品质量最佳。
Research on Technology of The Spicy Agaric
Abstract:In this paper,agaric and chillies was used to study the spicy agaric processing technology . The results showed that dry agaric immerses in water for 4 hours , clean it ,chop up,remove drain,then the proportion of wet agaric and chillies is 7:3, add 13% oil ,1.2%gourmet powder ,mix the flavor ,then put them in vitreous bottles,seal the bottles. Put these bottles in 75℃~80℃ hot water sterilize 15 minutes,we can get the best quality of this products.
Key words: agaric ; refresh; proportion; sterilization