来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1637972 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637972
摘 要:在对速冻馒头蒸煮品质感官评价及质构仪测试的基础上, 本文探讨了馒头品质的评价方法、评价指标, 筛选出评价馒头品质主要的感官指标及质构仪测试指标, 建立速冻馒头的质构指标(硬度、弹性等)和感官品质之间的相关模型。研究结果表明, 评价馒头品质的主要感官指标为内部结构、外观形状; 质构仪测试指标主要为弹性和回复性; 质构仪测试的弹性和回复性数值越高, 馒头品质越好。
Relationship Analysis between Instruments Determination and Sensory Evaluation of Quick- frozen Steamed Bread
Abstract:On the basis of the quick-frozen steamed bread cooking quality evaluation and quality testing instrument and quality evaluation method , mainly discussed the quality of steamed bun evaluation method and evaluation index, selected the main quality evaluation of steamed bun sensory index and quality testing instrument, establishing the quick-frozen index quality index (hardness, springiness, etc) and sensory quality related model. Research results show that the main quality evaluation of steamed bread for internal structure, sensory indexes appearance shape, Quality indicator for testing instrument flexibility and resilience, The quality and structure of the testing instrument flexibility and resilience, the higher the better quality.
Key words: Quick-frozen steamed bread; Sensory judgment; Texture; Correlation analysis

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
前言 2
1 材料与方法 2
1.1 材料 2
1.2 仪器 3
1.3 试验方法 3
1.4 测试指标与方法 3
1.4.1 样品准备方法 3
1.4.2 感官评价方法 3
1.4.3 质构分析方法 3
2 结果与分析 6
2.1 不同品种速冻馒头感官品质分析 6
2.2 不同品种速冻馒头质构分析 7
2.3 速冻馒头质构指标和感官品质的相关性分析 9
3 结论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12