主页 > 理工学 > 材料科学 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1639364 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1639364

摘    要


Carbon / graphite composite material is a high performance structure, functional composite materials with high strength, high modulus, high thermal conductivity, excellent insulation and other outstanding features. Carbon / graphite composite material is widely used in machinery, electronics, chemicals, metallurgy and other fields of nuclear energy and in the aerospace, aviation and defense in the field of critical components on a large number of applications. However, the carbon materials start to oxidize in the atmosphere 450 ℃, In the mild oxidation, materials, density and strength are decreased. When Severe oxidation, material stratification occurs, complete lose mechanical properties.
The design prepared by physical and chemical properties and good mechanical properties of carbon / graphite composite materials for the purpose of carbon / graphite composite materials, adhesive agents and their properties were modified system. Change the ratio of raw materials were used and the type and amount of change in method of binder obtained bulk density and mechanical strength of carbon / graphite composites. By contrast the use of familiar materials, petroleum coke prepared its density, mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of petroleum coke used to be good students. With phosphoric acid, silicon carbide modified phenolic resin, its performance is stronger.

Keywords: Carbon / graphite composites; mature petroleum coke; modifier; preparation; performance



目       录
1 绪论    1
1.1 前言    1
1.2 课题研究方向与发展    2
1.2.1 石油焦的煅烧    2
1.2.2 粘结剂    2
1.2.3 致密度的提高    4
1.3 国内外研究状况    6
1.4 课题研究内容、目的及意义    6
2 实验    9
2.1主要原料及设备    9
2.1.1 熟石油焦    9
2.1.2 鳞片石墨    9
2.1.3 酚醛树脂    9
2.1.4 其他原料    10
2.1.5 主要仪器及设备    10
2.2 制备流程    11
2.2.1工艺流程图    11
2.2.2 粉料制备    11
2.2.3 样品成型    11
2.2.4 固化    11
2.2.5 焙烧    12
2.3 样品物理性能测试    12
2.3.1 体积密度    13
2.3.2 抗折强度    13
2.3.3 抗压强度    13
2.3.4 电导率    14
2.3.5 差热分析    14
2.3.6 电镜扫描    14
3 实验结果及讨论    15
3.1 不同原料样品的性能    15
3.1.1 密度    15
3.1.2 抗压强度    16
3.1.3 电导率    17
3.2 磷酸和碳化硅系列不同浓度改性剂样品的性能    17
3.3 碳化硅占树脂4.5%样品的差热-热重分析    20
3.4 电镜分析    20
4 结论    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
