来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1639366 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1639366
Quality Assurance System and Operation of Lifting Equipment
(Wuxi Institute of Technology Wuxi Jiangsu 214121)
Elementary Introduction On Set up and operation of the quality assurance system in Wuxi City Xinhua Lifting Equipment Co, LTD.
Abstract: Whether the quality good or not, which plays an important in length and safety operation of Lifting Equipment, it should be controlled. The article introduces the manufacturing process that according to ISO9001/2000 quality standard in Wuxi City Xinhua Lifting Equipment Co, LTD and how to make it operate effectively.
Key words: lifting equipment; quality; quality assurance system; operation
目 录
1引言 2
2质量保证体系 4
2.1合同技术条款评审质量保证体系方框图 4
2.2技术文件评审质量保证体系方框图 5
2.3物资供应验收质量保证体系方框图 5
2.4生产制作过程质量保证体系方框图 7
2.5质量保证检验内容 7
3质量手册 8
3.1质量方针、质量目标、质量承诺 8
3.2各级人员的质量管理职责 8
3.2.1总经理 8
3.2.2品质负责人 9
3.2.3技术负责人 9
3.2.4生产负责人 9
3.2.5车间主任 10
3.2.6检验员 10
3.3检验点和检验见证点 10
3.4检验规程 10
4 质量保证体系的运行 19
4.1现状和存在的问题 19
4.2提高质量体系有效性的措施 19
4.2.1加强对质量体系的认识 19
4.2.2加强内审力度 20
4.2.3完善和提高其实用性和可操作性 20
4.2.4不断创新,提高预防能力和用户满意率 20
5 结论 21
致谢 21
参考文献 22