风化与土weathering and soil
来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16318898 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16318898
13 风化与土weathering and soil(中文3900字,英文1900字)
土 :是矿物碎屑和植物风化后的混合体,通常小于1米厚,通常被分为上层腐殖质和富含粘土的下层土。
风 化:岩石、坡积土与空气和水接触后,被自然侵蚀和分解的过程。风化深度一般小于10米。
13 weathering and soil
Top few metres of the ground profile generally consist of soil ,drift and weathered rock,withengineering properties very different from those of the underlying bedrock.
Soil: mixture of weathered mineral debris and plant material,
usually<1 m thick;many divide into plant-rich topsoil and clay-rich subsoil.
Weathering:the natural decay and break down of rock or drift in contact with air and water;generally < 10m deep.
Drift transported,superficial sediment deposited on top of the bedrock; mostly unconsolidated clay,sand and coarser clastic debris; generally Quaternary age ,
hence too yang to be consolidated;varies in thickness from 0 to >50m.
Colluvium:slope debris,
moved downslope largely by gravity alone;extent of sediment transport therefore drift>colluvium>soil;
includes debris from creep and sheetwash,also head and
scree.Sheetwash by surface water increases greatly with loss of vegetation.
Rockhead:the buried drift/rock interface;commonly a conspicuous boundary between weak soils and drift and strong rock;may be less well defined in deep profile of weathered rock;formed as erosion surface before drift deposition so its topography may be totally unrelated to modern surface.
Engineering soil:weak material which can be excavated without ripping or blasting,therefore including soil,drift,weak rocks and weathered rock. |