来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635941 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635941
摘要: 结构主要靠延性来抵抗较大地震作用下的非弹性变形,因此,地震作用下,结构的延性与结构的强度具有同等重要的意义。地震力降低系数对设防烈度地震作用的整体降低实际上决定了结构的屈服水准和对结构延性需求的大小。目前,能力设计法已为各国普遍接受,通过能力设计法,形成合理的耗能机制,使塑性铰出现在延性易于保证的部位;确保结构在未达到所需要的延性前不至于发生剪切失效;并通过细部构造措施来保证延性的充分发挥。
Summary : Greater resistance to mainly rely on extensive structural role of the non-seismic deformation flexibility, the role of the earthquake, the structure of the piping and structural strength are equally important significance. Lower coefficient of earthquake seismic intensity of the security role in the decision to lower the overall structure of the yield of standard size and structure of the extensive demand. Currently, the law has design capacity for universal acceptance, through capacity design law, a rational energy mechanism for plasticity pair appeared in remote parts easy assurance; Ensure that the structure does not meet the extensive needs of the former does not lapse sheared; Construction and the adoption of measures to ensure remote parts of the full play. |