来源 资料编号:WK1635887 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635887
1. 国家与行业背景 过去十年来,中国在经济增长、扶贫以及使贫困人口获得公共服务方面取得了显著成就。上世纪九十年代初期至2001年间,贫困率降至16.6%,降幅接近一半,而自九十年代中期以来,GDP 年增长率一直保持在8%左右。到新千年初期,人均预期寿命已达70岁,高具有可比收入国家的水平。然而,在经济增长的同时,地区差异日益拉大,西部省份的贫困率相对较高,经济增长速度较低。 陕西省人均GDP 水平为全国平均水平的70%左右,其经济发展水平在中国31 个省市自治区中位列后五位。陕西省共有107 个县,其中50 个县为国家级贫困县。该省相当部分贫困人口居住在北部的两个县及南部的三个县,后者位于安康地区。这些县交通基础 1. Country and Sector Background China has experienced significant improvements in economic growth, poverty reduction and increased access of the poorest populations to public services in the last ten years. From the early 1990s to 2001, the poverty rate decreased almost by half to 16.6%, while the GDP growth has remained around 8% per annum since the mid-1990s. By the beginning of the new millennium life expectancy at 70 was higher than income-comparable countries. However, despite the economic growth there have been increasing disparities among regions, with higher incidence of poverty and slower economic growth in the Western provinces.