来源 资料编号:WK1635526 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635526

TCP/IP是什么? TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)即传输控制协议/网间协议,是一个工业标准的协议集,它是为广域网(WANs)设计的。它是由ARPANET网的研究机构发展起来的。 有时我们将TCP/IP描述为互联网协议集"Internet Protocol Su ite",TCP和IP是其中的两个协议(后面将会介绍)。由于TCP和IP是大家熟悉的协议,以至于用TCP/IP或IP/TCP这个词代替了整个协议集。这尽管有点奇怪,但没有必要去争论这个习惯。例如,有时我们讨论NFS 是基于TCP/IP时,尽管它根本没用到TCP(只用到IP,和另一种交互式协议UDP而不是TCP)。 (毕业设计) What is TCP/IP? TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Inter net Protocol) is the transmission control protocol / network intergovernmental agreement is an industry standard protocol set, It is for Wide Area Network (WANs) design. It is Legion network research institutions to develop. Sometimes we described TCP/IP as a collection of Internet protocol, "Internet Protocol Su i te ", TCP and IP is one of the two agreements (the back will be introduced). Because TCP and IP are familiar with the agreement, TCP/IP or even use the term TCP instead of the whole agreement sets. Despite this strange, but it is not necessary to debate this habit. For example, sometimes we discuss is based on NFS TCP/IP, Although it is basically useless to TCP (only used IP, and other interactive agreement UDP instead of TCP). 全文3600字 |