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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635687 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635687

在Asp.net中建立本地的Excel表,并由服务器向外传播是容易实现的,而删除掉嵌入的Excel.exe进程是困难的。所以 你不要打开任务管理器 ,看Excel.exe进程相关的东西是否还在内存里面。我在里
供一个解决方案 ,里面提供了两个方法 : "CreateExcelWorkbook"(说明 建立Excel工作簿) 这个方法 运行一个存储过程 ,返回一个DataReader 并根据DataReader 来生成一个Excel工作簿 ,并保存到文件系统中,创建一个“download”连接,这样 用户就可以将Excel表导入到浏览器中也可以直接下载到机器上。
There is also, in the downloadable solution, a utility class "SPGen" that handles running stored
Generating native Excel spreadsheets from your web server is not that difficult with ASP. NET. What can be difficult is making instances of Excel.exe go away so you don't open up TaskMgr and see 123 instances of EXCEL.EXE still sitting in memory. I provide here a solution that has two methods, "CreateExcelWorkbook",

译文二 :数据库管理系统和管理信息系统

You know that a data base is a collection of logically related data elements that may be structured in various ways to meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of organizations and individuals.
    You'll see in the following pages that complex data relationships and linkages may be found in all but the simplest data bases[1]. The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associated with creating, accessing, and maintaining data base records is called a data base management system (DBMS).


