来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635534 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635534

现在有不只一种方式能够建立一个网页。而且任何网页设计师都能够掌握,了解这些方法,因此关于哪一种方法是正确的谈论从未停止过。不断的改变标准,不同的浏览器的行为,以及对于网页设计大师们的敦促,就似乎是从各个方面拉扯着网页设计师。这些情况就好象是成群的的刺耳的声音一样,不时的分离着事实,不停的渴望着到达最后的终点。 前进的道路上的标准与实践的偏差是在现代网页设计中对于HTML,CSS,JAVAScript中的作用就跟描述螺栓跟螺母的关系一样。在某些情况下,现在的用户希望能够让网页设计师们提供标准的内容丰富的网页。其结果只能是关系紧张与技术开发的“领域”和他们的未来的相容的标准机构能够迎头赶上。在其他的状况下,有专家鼓吹的有明确目的的设计指导方针会于现实的浏览器支持相抵触,潜在的增加设计项目的时间和消耗。然后在哲学领域会出现一些简单的分歧,有时候慷慨激昂的表达能够划分网页设计师和剩下的关于做什么和谁会相信。90年代的网页设计师在螺栓与螺母不的兼容而奋斗着。而网际网络已经形成并在成熟,许多这些老技术问题都得到了解决,一个新的更加丰富的两难问题相继出现。(毕业设计) There’s more than one way to weave a Web page. And as any Web designer knows all too well, there’s no shortage of ideas about which is the right way. Evolving standards, variations in browser behavior, and the urgings of design gurus seem to pull at Web designers from every direction. Taken together, they can sound like a dozen strident voices each shouting in maddening contradiction, sometimes divorced from reality, always adding anxiety to meeting a deliverable deadline. Navigating the road where standards andpractice diverge is as much part of the modern Web designer’s job description as masteringthe nuts and bolts of HTML, CSS,and JAVAscript. In some cases, developingthe kind of feature-rich Web sites that usersnow expect can put designers ahead of standards bodies. The result can be tension between techniques developed “in the field”and their future compatibility when standards bodies finally catch up. In other circumstances,well-intentioned design guidelines preached by experts may conflict with actual browser support, potentially adding time and cost to design projects.Then there are simply differences in philosophy,sometimes passionately expressed,which can divide Web designers and leave some wondering what to do and whom to believe. Web designers of the ’90s struggled with incompatibilities among basic nuts and bolts. While the Web has evolved and matured, and many of those old technical problems have been resolved, a new and richer set of dilemmas has emerged. 全文4600字 |