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AmbySoft Inc. 本部分包括了有助于程序员进行面向对象的用户界面设计的一系列技巧。 1. 一致性,一致性,一致性!必须保证用户界面的一致性,这是最重要的。如果你可以通过在某个列表框里双击其中一个条目来触发一个事件,那你必须保证在所有的列表框里双击条目都会产生相似的反应。所有窗口里的按钮都应该放在同一个位置,按钮标题与提示的措辞应保持一致,还应保持一致的色彩设置。一致的用户界面会使得使用者建立起关于应用程序工作流程的正确理解,而用户对应用程序工作流程的正确理解会带来更低的训练与支持费用。 2. 制订并严格遵守标准。使得你能够真正的保持一致性原则的唯一一个解决办法是制订一个用户界面设计标准并严格遵守。最好的办法是遵循当前的行业标准,同时根据你个人的应用程序的特殊需要不断的加以增添和完善。行业标准,例如IBM(1993)与Microsoft(1995)指定的用户界面设计规范可以满足一般用户界面设计者95%-99%的需要。采用行业标准不仅可以吸收同行的优秀建议,而且可以更容易的使你的应用程序用户界面与最终用户已经使用或者购买的其他同类软件产品的用户界面保持近似。 . (毕业设计) 所译外文资料附件(含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分页码的复印件等一并予以装订) 原文: User Interface Design Tips and Techniques (Part) AmbySoft Inc. White Paper Scott W. Ambler Senior Object-Oriented Consultant AmbySoft Inc. In this section we will cover a series of user interface design tips that will help you to improve the object-oriented interfaces that you create. 1、Consistency, consistency, consistency. The most important thing that you can possibly do is make sure that your user interface works consistently. If you can double-click on items in one list and have something happen then you should be able to double-click on items in any other list and have the same sort of thing happen. Put your buttons in consistent places on all of your windows, use the same wording in labels and messages, and use a consistent color scheme throughout. Consistency in your user interface allows your users to build an accurate mental model of the way that it works, and accurate mental models lead to lower training and support costs. |