SQL Server 2005数据加密技术应用研究

SQL Server 2005数据加密技术应用研究 1.绪论 SQL Server 2005是微软开始实施其“可信赖计算” 计划以来的第一个主要的产品,它提供了丰富的安全特性,为企业数据提供安全保障。对开发人员来说,最关注的是如何在程序设计过程中应用这些特性来保护数据库中的数据安全。本文将从应用程序开发者角度探讨基于SQL Server 2005数据加密特性的应用。 外文原文: SQL Server 2005 data encryption technology applied research Abstract: 1. SQL Server 2005 data encryption technology SQL Server 2005 is Microsoft's implementation of its "Trustworthy Computing" program since the first major product, which provides a wealth of security features for enterprise data security. For developers, the most concern is how the design process in the procedures to apply these features to protect data in the database security. This article from the perspective of application developers to explore SQL Server 2005 based on the characteristics of the application of data encryption. |