Windows CE 的简介与发展历史
来源 资料编号:WK1635588 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635588

微软公司发布他们的第一个windows 95简化版,Windows CE的(有人说这这个CE表示"紧凑版"、"电子消费品",而微软没有官方的解释),其第一版在1996年发布。 它旨在能被他们(windows 95的使用者)方便、容易使用和界面熟悉。 讨论Windows CE的发展,我们回头向1992年夏天. 就这一系统的萌发时间,有些技术后来终使Windows CE的主宰世界,可以追溯到至1990年,但最初提案营造移动装置,还是到了1992年。 winpad该项目是一个承诺,微软公司改变在用户的互动窗口。 搞活创新的理念是通过改变我们的平台都熟悉成截然不同. 微软的目标是使这些变化修改视窗16的范围为新代码(Win16)X86平台。 到1994年,微软曾签订了7个月的世界上最大的OEM的进入winpad项目。 康柏包括姓名、摩托罗拉、日本电气、夏普名字,后来来主宰掌上电脑市场。 可惜winpad领先的时候了. 手写识别技术,如含. 配套硬件技术未达标准,1994年开办改良视窗代码. 随着商业使用32位处理器成为唯一的标准出发,研究组的结构和记忆能力没有足够强大或者采取有效载荷需要相当在发达的软件. 其次,电池技术在1994年也能保持不菲够长够有用的功能,当使用标准PC机八光柱。经过反复讨论,他们都代工伙伴以及重点群体。 微软撤离行动winpad,并取消了全部项目的秋天1994。在同一时间,第二个项目也悄然展开在redmondcodenamepulsar,理念是要营造一个无线、一般消费者使用的装置将类似于"呼叫器固醇". 举一个简单的周围创造使用电饭煲、以少量投入功能(只有少数按钮)和它一对夫妇截然不同硬件设置. 微软,这是一个有吸引力的前景,因为这将使他们能够摆脱复杂PC机软件市场,往往复杂的技术,着重简化什么盖茨和思想家在微软将越来越相信未来. 可惜,世界并不准备再次使用这类装置,同组的研究和反馈给微软被迫放弃计划。 尽管失利,微软知道他们在正确的轨道上,与他们的基本思路如何创造移动装置. 这个信念逐渐增强,通过变现的成就和psion与苹果手提祭品. 可惜在早段年代消费市场未兴起这种技术,特别是微软所设想的规模. 几个球员已经在市场规模小,只有virgining层次消费者权益微软被迫等待技术和市场因素急起直追,才能行事。 The History of Windows CE The Microsoft Corporation first released their scaled down version of Windows 95, Windows CE (some say this stands for "Compact Edition" or "Consumer Electronics" although Microsoft dispute this) Version 1 in the November of 1996. It was designed to be user friendly, easy to use and familiar (To users of Windows 95 anyway). To discuss the development of Windows CE we have to look back to the Summer of 1992. The inaugural steps of some of the technologies that would later dominate the Windows CE world can be traced back to 1990, however the initial motions at creating a Mobile Windows device heralded in 1992. The WinPad project was a commitment by Microsoft to change the way users interacted with Windows. The idea was to invigorate innovations by changing the platform by which we were all familiar into something radically different. Microsoft's aim was to make these changes by modifying the scope of the Windows 16 (Win16) code into a new x86 platform. By 1994, Microsoft had signed on seven of the worlds largest OEM's into the WinPad project. The names included Compaq, Motorola, NEC and Sharp, names that would later come to dominate the Handheld PC markets. Unfortunately WinPad was ahead of it's time. Containing technologies such as handwriting recognition. The supporting hardware technologies in 1994 were not up the standards required to run the modified Windows code. With the commercial use of 32-bit processors only starting to become standard, the CPU's and and Memory architecture were not powerful or efficient enough to take the loads required by the considerable advancements made in the software. Secondly, battery technology in 1994 was not cheap enough nor able to maintain useful functionality for long enough when using standard PC hardware. After repeated discussion with both their OEM partners as well as focus groups. Microsoft withdrew operations on WinPad and cancelled the project completely in the Autumn of 1994. |