来源 资料编号:WK1635601 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635601

在Internet普及之前,远距离教学是通过电话、电视、录象带和信件等方式异步地传递教学信息。最近几年,采用基于Internet的远程教学,World Wide Web被公认为是最强大的课程信息发布媒体,网上已经有成百上千的课程,越来越多的学校和老师正在考虑开展基于Web的教学。 基于Web的教学(WBI:Web-Based Instruction),也就是说用万维网作为教学媒体,网上教学实施传送教学、管理教学,并进行网上测试和网上交流。 实际并且完整地实施基于Web的教学,需要一套易用、高效的网上教学支撑平台的支持。目前在国际市场上已有一些这样的产品,如Lotus公司的LearningSpace英属哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系开发的WebCT、WBT System Company TopClass和加拿大Simon Fraser大学开发的Virtual-U。许多公司和学校也正在开发或准备开发类似的软件,如各重点院校为准备现代远程教学而开发的教学支持系统。 了解网上教学支撑平台应该具有的功能、可以或应该提供哪些方面的辅助支持、目前的产品各具有哪些特点等,对于有效地开展网上教学是十分重要的。 大约是在96年底97年初开始出现支持网上教学的软件平台,近年来更是层出不穷。一个完整地支持基于Web教学的支撑平台应该由三个系统组成:网上课程开发系统、网上教学支持系统和网上教学管理系统,分别完成Web课程开发、Web教学实施和Web教学管理的功能。现在市场上的许多产品都是从这三方面的某一方面发展起来的,经过多年的积累和扩展能够支持Web上课程开发、教学和传递的综合管理平台。例如,Authorware和ToolBook都是很著名的多媒体开发工具,Macromedia公司的Authorware 4.0已经开发了网上课程,与该公司的Pathware软件配合实现网上教学。为了满足网上课程开发的需要,Asymetrix公司为普通用户和专业用户分别推出了ToolBook Assistant II和ToolBook II Instructor,与该公司的Librarian配合也可以实现完整地网上教学。另外一类远程教学支撑平台是从开发工具和网站建设工具角度出发,如Mad Duck技术公司开发Web course in a Box;还有一类远程教学支撑平台从网上测试工具发展而来,如Allen Communication Inc.QuestNet+与该公司的Designer's NewsEdge软件可以进行深入的课程设计和分析。后两类平台一般要比第一类平台更强调无须学习编程,无需掌握所需要的HTML就可以开发出所一门课程,可以满足网上教学的常规要求,是开发的课程有相似结构、个性不强、发挥空间有限的缺点。 外文原文(复印件) The Network Teaching System In Internet Universal, distance learning is by telephone, television, video and communications, asynchronous transmission mode of teaching information. In recent years, based on the introduction Internet Distance learning, World Wide Web Recognized as the most powerful curriculum information dissemination media, the Internet has hundreds of courses, there are more schools and teachers are being considered for Web Teaching. For Web Teaching (WBI :Web-Based Instruction) , and that is using the World Wide Web as a teaching medium, transmission teaching in the implementation of online teaching, teaching management, and online testing and online exchanges. Realistic and complete implementation based on Web Teaching requires a user-friendly and efficient support online teaching platform support. Currently there are some in the international market such products, such as Lotus Company LearningSpace , the British Columbia University computer science department development WebCT 、WBT System Company TopClass And Canada Simon Fraser University development Virtual.Many companies and schools are also being developed or is ready to develop similar software, such as the key institutions in preparation for the development of modern distance learning and teaching support system. Online teaching platform should be aware of the support functions, which can or should provide the ancillary support, all of which feature current products, for effective online teaching is very important. About the 96 End 97 At the beginning of a software platform to support online teaching in recent years is endless. A complete Web-based teaching support from the three systems should support platforms : online course development system, online teaching support system and online teaching management system , respectively Web Curriculum development 、Web Implementation and Web Teaching management functions. Many products are now on the market from three aspects of a developed, |