在Web网页上使用VBScript 和JScript
来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635618 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635618

综述:本文讨论了VBScript和 JScript之间的区别,以及它们的使用场合。本文还讨论了: · Visual InterDev中的VBScript 和JScript · 内联服务器脚本和<Script>单元 · 脚本执行顺序 如果你要编写一个Web网页就必须要编写一些脚本。幸运的是,你可以从几种脚本编写语言中选择一个。不幸的是,有这么多种语言可以选择,到底选哪一种呢?你应该怎么做?或者,如果你获得了一个网页,它的脚本是用一种你不怎么使用的脚本语言编写的,你怎样才能够用这个脚本来增加一些新的功能呢? 在本文中,我将会讨论到这些问题。而首先,我会指导你如何用微软公司所提供的这两种脚本编写语言来进行工作。 附件2:外文原文 Using VBScript and JScript on a Web Page Summary: Discusses the differences between VBScript and JScript and when to use each. Also covers: · Specifying VBScript and JScript in Microsoft Visual InterDev · Inline server scripts and the <Script>element · Script execution order You’re writing a Web page and you decide that you need to write some script. Fortunately, you can choose from several scripting languages. Unfortunately, there are several languages to choose from, which puts the decision on you. What should you do?Or you inherit a page with existing script written in a scripting language that you don’t normally use. Do you have to learn that script just to add a few functions? Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition (VBScript). JScript, which is Microsoft’s version of ECMAScript, the standard definition for a group of scripting languages that includes JScript and JAVAScript. |