来源 资料编号:WK1635632 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635632
MFC AppWizard 我们过去说的工程中只有一些代码是写的,因为所有的工程仅仅是从其他工程剪切和粘贴的结果,这对于每一个新工程的Windows应用程序来说,这看起来事实上是剪切和粘贴相同的样板代码,Visual C++通过提供MFC应用程序向导,简称应用向导,使这项任务变得更加简单。 MFC AppWizard 的作用 MFC AppWizard 是一个真正的各种应用程序向导的集合,它用来建立各种工程。 (当谈到一种特殊的AppWizard时,我经常使用AppWizard提及任何一种应用程序向导)。每 一个AppWizards 将引导你按步骤创建一个新的工程,沿着方向迅速对选项作出选择。 当你已经作你的所有选择的时候,MFC 将会为你产生相应的工程。 对于一些类型的工程,这可能会节省很多时间。 对于MFC应用程序来说, 这意味MFC要创建源程序,头文件,资源文件,帮助文件,和创建应用程序框架必须的所必需的工程文件。用MFC AppWizard(exe) 创建的工程不需要任何的较进一步的修改就建立并且具有所选择的应用程序的所有的特征, 这样,大量用来寻找,剪切,粘贴的时间就被压缩到仅仅几秒种的时间。
外文原文(复印件) MFC AppWizard MFC AppWizard It has been rumored that in prehistoric days there was but one piece of code ever written and that all projects since were merely the result of cutting and pasting from other projects. This does seem to have the ring of truth every time I cut and paste the same boilerplate code for Windows applications for each new project. Visual C++ makes this task much simpler by providing the MFC Application Wizard, or AppWizard for short. What MFC AppWizard Can Do for You MFC AppWizard is really a collection of different Application Wizards that help to do different sorts of projects. (I will generally use AppWizard to refer to any of the Application Wizards and will be more specific when discussing one particular AppWizard.) Each of the AppWizards will guide you through the process of creating a new project, prompting for various option selections along the way. When you have made all of your choices, MFC will create your project for you. For some types of projects, this can be a tremendous time-saver. For MFC applications, this means creating all of the source, header, resource, help, and project files necessary to create a skeleton for your application. The project created by the MFC AppWizard (exe) will build without any further modifications and has all of the setup for the application features you selected. This can easily reduce half a day’s hunting, cutting, and pasting to just a few seconds. |