
MFC(中文1300字+英文801字) MFC,微软基础类(Microsoft Foundation Classes),实际上是微软提供的,用于在C++环境下编写应用程序的一个框架和引擎,VC++是Windows下开发人员使用的专业C++ SDK(SDK,Standard SoftWare Develop Kit,专业软件开发平台),MFC就是挂在它之上的一个辅助软件开发包,MFC作为与VC++血肉相连的部分(注意C++和VC++的区别:C++是一种程序设计语言,是一种大家都承认的软件编制的通用规范,而VC++只是一个编译器,或者说是一种编译器+源程序编辑器的IDE,WS,PlatForm,这跟Pascal和Delphi的关系一个道理,Pascal是Delphi的语言基础,Delphi使用Pascal规范来进行Win下应用程序的开发和编译,却不同于Basic语言和VB的关系,Basic语言在VB开发出来被应用的年代已经成了Basic语言的新规范,VB新加的Basic语言要素,如面向对象程序设计的要素,是一种性质上的飞跃,使VB既是一个IDE,又成长成一个新的程序设计语言),MFC同BC++集成的VCL一样是一个非**式的软件包,类库,只不过MFC类是微软为VC++专配的. MFC, Microsoft Foundation Classes, The fact is Microsoft provides in c + +, used to build applications under the environment of a framework and engine, vc + + is Windows down developers use professional c + + SDK (SDK, Develop Kit, professional Standard SoftWare SoftWare development PlatForm), MFC is hanging in the above it, an assistant SoftWare setups with vc + + deeply connected as MFC the part (note c + + and vc + + difference: c + + is a programming language, is a kind of everyone admits SoftWare compilation, and general specification vc + + is a compiler, or rather a compiler + source program editor IDE, WS, with Pascal and PlatForm, this one reason, the relationship Delphi language foundation Delphi is Pascal, Delphi to use Pascal regulate Win next application development and compile, but different from the Basic language and VB relationship, the Basic language developed in VB by |