来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635829 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635829
下面的例子用VHDL提供的指示执行职能,更多信息VHDL的,请参阅Quartus ® II或Max plusII软件的帮助。
Nios II(Altera的第二代FPGA嵌入式处理器)硬件设计实例
NiosⅡ硬件设计的例子是基础NiosⅡ/E的核心和体现了尽可能小的工作NiosII系统。处理器是从一个小座采用片上存储器,并使用并行I / O (条例)的周边,以推动ALTER芯片的发光二极管。
这个设计是一个良好的起点使用Nios II处理器为最低限度的控制等方面的应用。这个设计是提供给: Stratix ® ,Stratix专业,StratixⅡ,Cyclone ® 和的Cyclone II版本的NiosII开发工具包。
The following examples provide instructions for implementing functions using VHDL. For more information on VHDL, refer to Quartus® II or MAX+PLUS® II software Help.
VHDL Embedded Processor Functions
Small Nios II Hardware Design Example
The small Nios® II hardware design example is based on the Nios II /e core and demonstrates the smallest possible working Nios II system. The processor boots from a small block of on-chip memory and uses a parallel I/O (PIO) peripheral to drive off-chip LEDs.
This design is a good starting point for using the Nios II processor for minimal control applications. This design is provided for the Stratix®, Stratix Professional, Stratix II, Cyclone®, and Cyclone II editions of the Nios II development kit.
VHDL: Adder/Subtractor
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