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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635835 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635835

自从1972年Intel推出第一片微处理器以来,计算机技术正着魔似地循着Moore先生提出的著名的Moore规律(“每18个月微处理器性能提高一倍,价格降低一半” )飞速地发展。以微处理器为核心的微型计算机在最近十年中已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,PC机闪电般地经历了从8088/8086到286、386、486、586(奔腾)、奔Ⅱ、奔Ⅲ的飞跃。微电脑对整个社会进步的影响是有目共睹的,它使我们跨入了信息时代、数字时代,其巨大影响怎么评价也不为过。换言之,计算机应用面的迅速拓宽和对个人与社会诸多方面的渗透表明,计算机技术已不再是深踞于高层次科技领域里的宠儿,它已经深入到一切领域之中,闯进了普通人的生活圈子。

Shallow talk a list slice machine application technique
    Since 1972 Intel release one microprocessor, calculator technique just wear evil ground the Moore regulation("each 18 months microprocessor function exaltation 100%, the price lower half") of Zhao which follow Moore a Sir to put forward fly soon development.Take microprocessor as the microcomputer of core in the recent decade in already occurrence turn over for a day, Fu ground of variety, the PC machine lightning flash sort ground experience from 8088/8086-286, 386, 486 and 586(dash about),

