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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635874 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635874

而作为外部噪音的治疗摩擦,试图弥补它,摩擦现象是由一个线性弹簧和包含作为部分的系统模型在毂粘住了。这是一个好的近似的滞摩擦的行为在相若弹簧刚度是美联社选择,这个修改,大大增强了这个系统的模型。更重要的是,它使得ac -有效管制仍然在贴阶段的微调,基于该模型,然后对传统proportional-integral-derivative合成和线性二次型高斯控件来得到洛用microradian精度。

Modeling and Micro-Radian Precision Pointing of a Flexible
Manipulator With the Existence of Static Friction  
  Abstract—Controlling flexible structures has been considered as a well-developed topic in the control field. In this topic, vibration suppression and line-of-sight (LOS) poting arein two of the main research issues. Unfortunately, among all works reported, only a few have really achieved high levels of pointing precision. This is mainly because friction, especially static friction, is hard to deal with. In this research, the LOS control of the flexible beam of a standard hub-beam system is studied. The precision required is instead of treating friction as an external noise and trying to compensate for it, the friction phenomenon is represented by a linear spring and is included as part of the system model when the hub sticks. This is, in fact, a good approximation of the hysteretic friction behavior in the presliding phase if the spring stiffness is ap- propriately chosen. This modification greatly enhances the fidelity.
Of the system model. What is more important is that it makes ac- tive controls still available in the stick phase to facilitate the fine tuning of the pointing error. Based on this modified model, it is then not hard to synthesize traditional proportional–integral–derivative and linear quadratic Gaussian controls to get LOS pointing with microradian precision.
Index Terms—Disturbance isolation, flexible structure control (FSC), line-of-sight (LOS) control, precision positioning, static fric- tion, vibration suppression.


