来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1637607 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637607
1. 介绍
最 新的爬坡和灵活性对城域接入网络的重要需求,由于客户的多样化和交通的多功能性。贴近的访问,这种网络也对成本敏感的。由于所有上述原因,千兆以太网在城 域网利益收益,因为它集低成本潜力,从它的数据包性质的灵活性。对出现的问题,然后在城域接入网的执行情况。几个有吸引力的方法可以再考虑。我们已经报道 了破坏性的概念'是''光以太网网络处理的光分组交换,以及一个更经典的一WDM光以太网的光纤传输具有原创保障计划。这两种方法可以让网络连接起来,由 于一年级“被动方式”使用。
Optical metro-access ring featuring a flexible color management
Abstract: We propose a new optical metro-access ring concept featuring a flexible color management for efficient network operation. Experimental results show that 1 hub, up to 8 nodes and 80Gbit/s capacity without optical amplification are achievable.
1. Introduction
Up-gradability and flexibility are important requirements for metro-access networks, due to the variety of clients and the traffic versatility. Being close to the access, such networks are also cost-sensitive. For all the above reasons, Gigabit Ethernet gains in interest in the metro area as it gathers low cost potential and flexibility from its packet nature. Issues then arise about its implementation in metro-access networks. Several attractive approaches can be then considered. We already reported on a disruptive concept of ‘be’’ optical Ethernet network dealing with optical packet switching , as well as on a more classical one based on Ethernet transport over WDM featuring an original optical protection scheme. Both approaches allows network up-grade thanks to a “passive approach” used .
