来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16317451 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16317451
作为一个90年代初出生的孩子,任天堂的游戏机伴随着我的成长。我花了无数个小时帮助马里奥拯救公主,在俄罗斯方块中得到最高分数,通过连接电缆和我的朋友在钢筋混凝土上赛车。 无论任何时间地点,只要我可以,我一定带着这些极好的设备。我对游戏的热爱使我想要创造一个世界并和我的朋友分享。我开始在电脑上编程,但很快发现我不能把我的小杰作发给我的游戏机。我仍然是一个热情的程序员,但随着时间的推移,我的兴趣在实际玩视频游戏中褪色。还有,我的游戏机坏了。..
Android, the New Kid on the Block
As a kid of the early nineties, I naturally grew up with my trusty Nintendo Game Boy. I spent countless hours helping Mario rescue the princess, getting the highest score in Tetris, and racing my friends in RC Pro-Am via link cable. I took this awesome piece of hardware with me everywhere and every time I could. My passion for games made me want to create my own worlds and share them with my friends. I started programming on the PC but soon found out that I couldn’t transfer my little masterpieces to the Game Boy. I continued being an enthusiastic programmer, but over time my interest in actually playing video games faded. Also, my Game Boy broke . . .
Fast forward to 2010. Smartphones are becoming the new mobile gaming platforms of the era, competing with classic dedicated handheld systems such as the Nintendo DS or the Playstation Portable. That caught my interest again, and I started investigating which mobile platforms would be suitable for my development needs. Apple’s iOS seemed like a good candidate to start coding games for. However, I quickly realized that the system was not open, that I’d be able to share my work with others only if Apple allowed it, and that I’d need a Mac to develop for the iOS. And then I found Android. |