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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16318966 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16318966

对于第一作者教室中的孩子,这种情况是每天课堂上发生的。无法阅读文字,幼儿专注于一本书的图片。 质量图画书的图片和文字共同合作,制作出一件艺术品。今天有各种各样的图画书,如何才能最好地选择那些能够吸引幼儿的图画书呢?家长,教师,图书管理员,看护人,作者和插图画家都可以从了解绘制和吸引孩子注意力的书籍插图的质量中受益。本文报道了一项定性研究,该研究调查了学龄前儿童报告的因素,这些因素使书籍插图变得美丽。

出    处:  Early Childhood Education Journal                    
作    者:       Carolyn A. House   Audrey C. Rule                            
原   文:
Preschoolers’ Ideas of What Makes a Picture Book Illustration Beautiful
A 4-year-old girl gently rocks in an adult-sized chair, legs extended, with an oversized picture book on her lap. The child intently studies the book, oblivious to the many distractions that usually take her attention. Next to her, sprawled on the floor, is a boy of the same age, leaning on one elbow and studying a page in another book, while all around both of them is a classroom full of preschool children involved in a variety of activities.
For the children in the first author’s classroom, this scenario is a daily classroom occurrence. Unable to read words, young children focus on a book’s pictures. The ‘‘. . .illustrations and text of quality picture books work together to produce a work of art’’ . With the overwhelming variety of picture books available today, how can one best select those that will appeal to young children? Parents, teachers, librarians, caregivers, authors, and illustrators can benefit from understanding the qualities of book illustrations that draw and hold a child’s attention. This article reports on a qualitative re-search study that examined the factors reported by preschool children that make a book illustration beautiful.


