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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16319031 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16319031

目的:本文的研究目的是概述电子金融的地位,并对有关问题和挑战进行论述。列举了过去十年电子金融增长的数据,介绍了电子金融在金融服务和信息技术行业所取得的进步和创新以及面临的挑战。设计/方法论/方法 - 本文通过采用对相关文献进行回顾(理论、应用和实证)的归档方法,组织和介绍研究主题来概述电子金融地位。
发现:本文的主要贡献和发现包括电子金融的各个领域,比如电子金融技术的应用以及电子金融在金融服务行业的发展等。研究的局限/影响 - 本文提出了电子金融领域面临的许多不同的挑战,需要对与电子金融技术有关的一些领域以及金融服务和信息技术的结合进一步研究。
实际影响 - 本文将与电子金融有关的分散信息和数据统一为一个整体以至于使学者和从业人员了解电子金融的发展、创新应用以及金融服务方面的新技术。
原创性/价值 - 本文的主要研究价值或贡献是将信息技术在金融服务行业的大部分现有文献、发展、创新和应用结合起来,展示了有关组织如何从这些创新中受益。同时也为学者的深入研究提供了思路。

E-finance: status, innovations, resources and future challenges
Purpose - This purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the status of e-finance and discuss related issues and challenges. Provides data about growth of e-finance in the last decade. Introduces advances and innovations in e-finance and challenges facing the financial services and IT industries. Design/methodology/approach - The paper employs the archival method of reviewing related literature (theoretical, applied and empirical) and organizing and presenting the topics to provide an overview of e-finance status.
Findings - The major contributions and finding of this paper include all areas of e-finance, application of technology to e-finance, growth of the e-finance in the financial services industry. Research limitations/implications - The paper provides areas of e-finance that face many different challenges and calls for further research in a number of areas related to e-finance technology and the interface of financial services and IT.
Practical implications - The paper brings all scattered information and data about e-finance under one umbrella that would make scholars and practitioners aware of advances in e-finance and applications of innovations and new technology to financial services provided.
Originality/value - The main value or contribution of this paper is bringing together most of available literature, advances, innovations, application of IT in the financial services industry and showing how organizations could benefit from such innovations. It also provides ideas to scholars for further research in this area.
Keywords Communication technologies, Electronic commerce, Financial services
