The topic of this thesis is the designandanalysis of theSuperstructureoftheDongfeiRiver Bridge.This graduation design requires students to independently design the superstructure of the Dongfei River Bridge according to the initial data and draw the construction drawings.
Hereisthe specific design steps: First of all, according to the initial data, the bridge scheme is selected fromseveralchoices,then we determine the bridge type is prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge, which is divided into (56 +94 + 56) m. Then, to determine the cross-section of a single-box single-chamber box girder, the main beam with variable cross-section, according to the empirical formula to determine the middle fulcrum beam height of 6m, and the middle beam height of 3.0m, diaphragm wall should be set in each Bearing. And then, we choose cantilever pouring construction method as our construction method, with the hanging basket for pouring, each section of the concrete length of pouring 3.0 ~ 4.0m, the length of the closure section of 2m.
To aidtofinishourdesign, we choose the finite element software MIDAS / CIVIL to complete the modeling, calculation, analysis and verification work, and use Excel and AutoCAD for auxiliary analysis and design. Full bridge is divided into 70 units, and 53 construction stages.
The main process for analyzing with Midas is: Firstly, we should establish the model, Midas is used to calculate the internal force of the bridge under various loads.Then perform is the first load combination. And then we estimated thenumberofprestressed steel beamanddesignthegeometric shapeofit,and then calculate the prestress loss,and then calculatealltypesofthe sub-internal force Finally,we operate the second load combination anddothefinalcheckaccording to the specificationrequirements.
Finally, weshould draw a complete construction drawings according to the results of the design.
Key words: finite element analysis;prestressed concrete;continuous girder bridge;
cantilever construction;design

摘要 1
第1章绪论 1
1.1预应力混凝土连续梁桥概述 1
1.1.1概述 1
1.1.2结构体系特点与优缺点 1
1.2 连续梁桥在国内外的发展现状及趋势 2
1.3连续梁桥悬臂施工法介绍 3
第2章设计基本资料与桥式方案比选 5
2.1桥式方案比选 5
2.1.1工程地质概况 5
2.1.2桥式选定原则 5
2.1.3桥式方案拟定 5
2.2桥梁线形布置 8
2.3主要技术标准 8
2.4主要材料 9
2.5施工方式 10
2.6基础变位作用 10
2.7温度作用 10
2.8设计规范 10
第3章桥梁总体布置及截面拟定 11
3.1桥跨总体布置 11
3.2截面参数拟定 11
3.2.1 截面构造的确定 11
3.2.2 梁高的确定 12
3.2.3 腹板厚度的确定 13
3.2.4 顶、底板厚度的确定 13
3.2.5 横隔板尺寸拟定 14
3.2.6 悬臂板、梗腋等其他尺寸拟定 14
第4章 Midas建模与结构内力计算 16
4.1 概述 16
4.2 Midas模型的建立 17
4.2.1 单元的划分 17
4.2.2 边界条件的定义 19
4.2.3 静力荷载的定义 20
4.2.4 施工阶段的模拟 21
4.2.5移动荷载的定义 23
4.3 作用效应计算 24
4.3.1永久作用效应 24
4.3.2可变作用效应 35
第5章作用效应组合 41
5.1 承载能力极限状态组合 41
5.2 正常使用极限状态组合 44
5.2.1作用短期效应组合 44
5.2.2作用长期效应组合 47
第6章预应力钢筋估束与设计 50
6.1 估束原理 50
6.2 预应力钢束估束 52
6.3 纵向预应力钢束设计与布置 57
6.3.1 纵向预应力钢束的分类 57
6.3.2 纵向预应力钢束的布置原则 58
6.3.3 纵向预应力钢束布置成果 58
6.4 竖、横向预应力钢束设计与布置 61
6.4.1 竖向预应力钢束布置 61
6.4.2 竖向预应力钢束布置 61
6.5 预应力损失及有效预应力计算 61
6.5.1 预应力筋与管道之间的摩擦引起的预应力损失 62
6.5.2 锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 63
6.5.3 预应力钢筋与台座之间的温差引起的损失 63
6.5.4 混凝土的弹性压缩引起的预应力损失 63
6.5.5 钢筋松驰引起的应力损失 64
6.5.6 混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损失 64
6.5.7 有效预应力计算 66
6.5.8计算结果 66
第7章结构次内力计算及作用效应组合 69
7.1 收缩徐变次内力 69
7.1.1 徐变效应次内力 69
7.1.2 收缩效应次内力 72
7.2 温度作用次内力 72
7.2.1 概述 72
7.2.2 计算原理 73
7.2.3 有限元计算 75
7.3 预加力次内力 78
7.3.1 预加力及其次内力的作用原理 78
7.3.2 有限元计算结果 79
7.4 基础变位作用次内力 80
7.5 作用效应组合 83
7.5.1 承载能力极限状态组合 83
7.5.2 正常使用极限状态组合 85
7.5.3 弹性阶段应力验算组合 89
第8章结构验算 92
8.1 持久状况承载能力极限状态验算 92
8.1.1 正截面抗弯验算 92
8.1.2 斜截面抗剪验算 94
8.1.3 斜截面抗弯验算 94
8.2 持久状况正常使用极限状态验算 94
8.2.1 正截面抗裂验算 94
8.2.2 斜截面抗裂验算 96
8.2.3 挠度验算及预拱度设置 97
8.3 持久状况构件应力计算与验算 98
8.3.1 正截面压应力验算 98
8.3.2 斜截面主压应力验算 99
8.3.3 受拉区钢筋拉应力验算 100
8.4 短暂状况构件应力计算与验算 101
第9章主要工程数量统计 104
参考文献 105
致谢 106