随着经济发展,预应力混凝土已被广泛应用到各种中小跨径的桥梁,对桥梁的发展有重大的推动作用。T梁受力简单结构为静定结构,没有多余约束,支座位移对结构内力没有影响;支座简单,受力明确; 施工方便,节省材料、架设安装方便,跨越能力较大等优点。
With the development of economy, the prestressed concrete has been widely applied to all kinds of small and medium span bridge, the development of the bridge has a major role in promoting.T beams with simple structure for static structure, no extra constraint, displacement has no influence on the internal force of the structure; the support is simple, clear force; convenient construction, material saving, erection has the advantages of convenient installation, strong span ability etc.
The design from the structure size of the development, main girder of prestressed steel beam internal force calculation, estimation and calculation of main girder layout, geometric characteristics of steel beam prestress loss estimation, and shall force checking the main beam intensity, local bearing strength checking end of main beam, beam deformation checking, diaphragm beam, deck beam calculation, calculation, calculation of pier, pile foundation calculation and structure design of the bridge, fully demonstrated the advantages of prestressed concrete concrete T beam design. Illustrations, draw related graphic calculation and drawing the table. Bridge structure design to follow the relevant specifications for bridges, in accordance with the requirements of the calculation. Key words: prestressed concrete, structure calculation, section design, checking.
Key words: prestressed concrete, structure calculation, section design, checking calculation.

目 录
1.绪论 1
2 设计资料 1
2.1设计资料 1
2.2 设计标准 1
2.3 设计依据 1
3.预应力混凝土T梁内力计算 2
3.1 结构尺寸拟定 2
3.1.1 横断面的设计 2
3.1.2 主梁尺寸拟定 3
3.2主梁内力计算 5
3.2.1 永久作用效应计算 5
3.2.2 可变作用效应计算 7
4.预应力混凝土T梁设计 14
4.1 预应力钢束的估算及布置 14
4.1.1 钢束的估算和确定 14
4.1.2 钢束布置 14
4.2 主梁截面几何特性计算 18
4.2.1 净截面几何特性计算 18
4.2.2 换算截面几何特性计算 19
4.3 钢束预应力损失估算 21
4.3.1 钢束张拉控制应力 21
4.3.2 钢束应力损失 22
4.4主梁截面强度与应力验算 27
4.4.1 应力验算 27
4.4.2 截面强度验算 31
4.5 主梁端部的局部承压验算 33
4.5.1 局部承压区的截面尺寸验算 33
4.5.2 局部抗压承载力验算 35
4.6 主梁变形(挠度)计算 36
4.6.1 短期荷载作用下主梁挠度计算 36
4.6.2 预加力引起的上拱度验算 37
4.6.3 预拱度的设置 37
4.7 横隔梁计算 37
4.7.1 确定作用在跨中横隔梁上的计算荷载 37
4.7.2 跨中横隔梁的作用效应影响线 38
4.7.3 截面作用效应计算 39
4.7.4 截面配筋计算 40
4.7.5 抗剪承载力验算 42
4.8行车道板计算: 42
4.8.1悬臂板荷载效应计算 42
4.8.2连续板荷载效应计算 43
4.8.3 截面设计、配筋与承载力验算 47
5.盖梁,柱式桥墩和钻孔灌注桩计算 49
5.1 桥墩尺寸 49
5.2 盖梁 50
5.2.1 荷载计算 50
5.2.2 内力计算 55
5.2.3 盖梁配筋计算 57
5.3 桥墩墩柱的计算 58
5.3.1 荷载计算 58
5.3.2 截面配筋计算 59
5.4 钻孔灌注桩计算 62
5.4.1 荷载计算 62
5.4.2 桩长计算 63
5.4.3 桩的内力计算 63
5.4.4 桩顶纵向水平位移验算 65
5.4.5 桩截面配筋 66
6.参 考 文 献 69
7.结 束 语 70
8.致 谢 71