来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16316533 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316533
摘 要
关键词:连续梁桥 影响线加载 结构影响力 迈达斯有限元模型
Design And Calculation of The 36+41+36 Prestressed Concrete Continuous Girder Bridge
In this paper, the unequal span prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge has been designed, calculated and checked based on the actual engineering conditions.Design content includes section design and reinforcement design. Calculation content includes internal force calculation and load combinations.Checking contents including bearing capacity limit state checking, normal use limit state checking and lasting condition and transient condition of stress calculation.In reference to the existing design drawings and data,this design uses the single box double chamber section, preliminarily drafts the section size,and selects the material specifications.This design uses a drop frame method to calculate the internal force of dead load, and the influence line of the most unfavorable loading method to calculate the internal stress of the live load,considering the lateral distribution coefficient of load and the function of structure influence caused by prestressing force, foundation displacement, temperature change, concrete shrinkage and creep factors such as the role of. The internal force calculation is solved by using Midas software to build the finite element model.At last, this article select control section for hand calculation while using Midas modeling software for checking.
Key Words: Continuous girder bridge;Influence line loading;Structure influence;Midas finite element model

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 设计资料 1
1.1主要结构尺寸 1
1.2 技术标准 1
1.3材料性能参数 1
1.3.1混凝土 1
1.3.2钢筋 1
1.3.3 其他材料 2
第二章 初步设计 3
2.1立面设计 3
2.2横断面设计 3
2.2.1横断面形式选择 3
2.2.2细部尺寸拟定 4
2.3 配筋设计 5
2.4桥梁结构计算与分析 5
第三章 内力计算和荷载组合 8
3.1恒载内力 8
3.2活载内力 14
3.3内力组合 17
第四章 预应力筋的估算与布置 21
4.1预应力钢筋的估算 21
4.2预应力钢筋的布置 22
第五章 计算截面几何特性 26
第六章 承载能力极限状态验算 27
6.1正截面承载力验算 27
6.2斜截面承载力验算 28
第七章 预应力损失 31
7.1摩阻损失σl1 31
7.2锚具变形损失σl2 31
7.3混凝土弹性压缩损失 σl4 33
7.4钢筋应力松弛损失σl5 34
7.5混凝土收缩、徐变损失σl6 35
7.6预应力损失组合 35
第八章 正常使用极限状态验算 37
8.1全预应力混凝土构件抗裂性验算 37
8.1.1正截面抗裂性验算 37
8.1.2斜截面抗裂性验算 38
8.2变形计算 41
8.2.1使用阶段的挠度计算 41
8.2.2预加应力引起的反拱计算及预拱度的设置 41
第九章 持久状况应力验算 43
9.1跨中截面混凝土法向正应力验算 43
9.2跨中截面预应力钢筋拉应力验算 43
9.3斜截面主应力验算 44
第十章 短暂状况应力验算 46
10.1上缘混凝土应力 46
10.2下缘混凝土应力 46
参考文献 47
附录1 迈达斯有限元建模内力组合值 48