以深圳至茂名铁路为背景,根据已有资料主要完成江门至茂名段桥梁设计总体说明、上部结构计算及主要的施工图设计。本次设计过程主要为:总体布置、尺寸拟定、利用MIDAS建模、上部结构计算、施工图绘制。 MIDAS桥梁建模软件考虑施工过程体系转换和混凝土收缩徐变因素进行内力计算并对主梁截面进行验算。经检算,本次毕业设计的桥梁结构安全,合理,并满足现行规范的要求。
Prestressed concrete continuous box girder bridge structure stiffness, dynamic performancegood and deformation of main beam deflection curve is gentle, is conducive to high speeddriving, continuous beam under live load, because of the continuous girder of the fulcrum in thenegative moment, to cross in positive bending moment loading, the moment distribution morereasonable. At present, the application of the railway bridge engineering is very wide.
The graduation design on the selection of prestressed concrete continuous box girder. Bridge length of 112m, the bridge across the layout of the three spanprestressed concrete continuous box girder bridge 32+48+48m.
Designing to Shenzhen to Maoming railway as the background, According to the existing information to complete the Jiangmen Maoming section of the bridge design general description, the upper structure of the calculation and the main construction design. Mainly design process including: the overall layout, size formulation, the use of MIDAS modeling, the upper structure of the calculation, and construction drawing.The design uses MIDAS bridge modeling software to consider the construction process system conversion and concrete shrinkage and creep factors for internal force calculation and check the main section of the beam.The bridge structure of the graduation design is safe and reasonable, and meets the requirements of the current specification.
Key words: prestressed concrete variable cross-section continuous box girder bridge: MIDAS modeling: internal force calculation: superstructure

第一章 绪论 1
1.1预应力混凝土连续梁桥简述 1
1.1.1连续梁桥孔跨布置 1
1.1.2连续梁桥截面形式 1
1.2预应力混凝土连续梁桥悬臂施工 2
1.2.1满堂支架施工 2
1.2.2悬臂施工 2
1.3设计资料 2
1.3.1技术标准 2
1.3.2主要材料 3
第二章 桥型方案比选 4
2.1桥梁设计方案选择的原则 4
2.2设计方案比选 4
2.2.1方案一:预应力混凝土变截面连续箱梁桥 4
2.2.2方案二:装配式预应力混凝土简支箱梁桥 4
2.2.3方案三:不等跨中承式拱桥 5
2.2.4方案比选 5
第三章 桥跨总体布置及结构主要尺寸 7
3.1设计概述 7
3.2桥梁设计资料 7
3.2.1主梁梁高 7
3.2.2顶板和底板厚度 7
3.2.3腹板厚度 7
3.2.4箱梁截面形式 7
3.3主梁分段 8
3.3.1节段划分 8
3.3.2施工阶段划分 9
第四章 Midas建模过程 10
4.1Midas建模步骤 10
第五章 恒载内力计算 13
5.1毛截面几何特性 13
5.2活载内力计算 16
5.2.1计算方法 16
5.2.2活载动力系数计算 16
第六章 预应力钢束设计 18
6.1预应力钢束估算 18
6.1.1计算原理 18
6.1.2预应力钢束估算 21
6.2纵向预应力钢束布置 21
6.2.1纵向预应力钢束的布置特点 21
6.2.2纵向预应力钢束布置原则 22
6.2.3纵向预应力束的布置 22
6.3竖向预应力钢束布置 22
6.4横向预应力钢束布置 23
第七章 预应力损失及有效应力 24
7.1管道摩阻损失 24
7.2锚具变形损失 25
7.3混凝土弹性压缩损失 25
7.4预应力钢筋应力松弛损失 25
7.5混凝土的收缩徐变损失 26
7.6钢筋的有效预应力计算 26
第八章 次内力计算 27
8.1预加力次内力计算 27
8.2混凝土收缩次内力计算 28
8.3混凝土徐变次内力计算 29
8.4温度次内力计算 30
8.4.1温度对结构的影响 30
8.4.2结构温度场的确定 30
8.5基础沉降次内力计算 32
第九章 内力组合计算 34
9.1荷载的分类 34
9.2荷载分项系数 34
9.3主力组合 35
9.4主力+附加力 36
第十章 主梁截面验算 37
10.1正截面强度验算 37
10.2正截面抗裂验算 38
10.3运营阶段应力验算 40
10.4挠度验算(竖向挠度) 41
毕业设计总结 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44