In recent years,withthe continuous increasing of bridge span and the increasing of pier height, as well as the deepening of bridge structure complexity and the increasing of vehicle driving speed, the vehicle –bridge interaction is becoming more and more important, and the coupling vibration of vehicle and bridge has become an important problem in highway and bridge design work. The so-called vehicle-bridge coupling is the interaction between the vehicle on the bridge deck and the bridge. The dynamic action of the vehicle will cause the vibration of the bridge structure, thus changing its stress performance, which may cause fatigue to the structural member, and reduce its strength and stability, thus affect the service life of the bridge. The vibration of the bridge will in turn affect the safety and comfort of the vehicle.
Taking the Xigu Bridge as the engineering background, this paper takes its cross section box type simply support beam bridge, and carries out the coupling vibration analysis of the vehicle-bridge system. This paper firstly introduces the theoretical knowledge of the coupling vibration analysis of the vehicle-bridge system, and then establishes the bridge mechanics model and the vehicle model based on the large finite element analysis software. The bridge model and vehicle model are all completed under ANSYS, and the modeling process is completed by reading TXT file command and flow through ANSYS. Then the ANSYS dynamic analysis of simply supported Beam Bridge is briefly introduced. Finally, the influence of the coupling vibration analysis of the vehicle-bridge system is analyzed from the angle of pavement irregularity.
Compositing the study of this paper the conclusionscan be obtained as follows.
(1) Through the comparison and analysis of different vehicle models, it can be seen that several vehicle models can reflect the basic vibration characteristics of the coupling vibration of the bridge.
(2)The time curve obtained from the transient analysis show that when the vehicle is approaching the bridge, the vibration at this time is the most serious and the dynamic deflection is the biggest.
(3) By introducing different grades of road roughness samples in vehicle-bridge system, it is concluded that road roughness is the most important motivating factor affecting the coupling vibration of vehicle and bridge.
Key Words:Simply supported Beam Bridge;ANSYS;Analysis of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration;Finite element analysis;Life and Death unit.

第1章绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2公路桥梁车桥系统的耦合振动研究发展情况 1
1.2.1 国外公路桥梁车桥耦合振动研究发展 1
1.2.2 国内公路桥梁车桥耦合振动研究发展 2
1.3 应用ANSYS的思路 2
1.4 本文研究内容 3
1.5 本章小结 3
第2章车桥耦合振动的基本理论 4
2.1 移动荷载作用下的振动 4
2.2 移动质量作用下的振动 6
2.3 移动车辆(单轴单自由度)模型作用下的振动 9
2.4 本章小结 11
第3章 ANSYS模型的建立 12
3.1 工程概述 12
3.2 桥梁力学模型的建立 12
3.2.1等截面双箱简支梁桥模型的建立 12
3.2.2 等截面单箱简支梁桥模型的建立 13
3.3车辆模型的建立 14
3.4 本章小结 15
第4章简支梁桥的ANSYS动力分析 16
4.1 桥梁振动方程 16
4.2 车辆振动方程 16
4.3 车桥耦合方程 17
4.4 单元选取 17
4.4.1 BEAM 188单元 17
4.4.2 MASS 21单元 18
4.4.3 COMBIN 14单元 18
4.4.4SOLID 95单元 18
4.5 本章小结 18
第5章瞬态分析与生死单元法 19
5.1 ANSYS中瞬态分析的求解方法 19
5.2 荷载在ANSYS模型中的添加 20
5.3 生死单元法在ANSYS中的应用 20
5.4 本章小结 21
第6章路面不平顺的数值模拟 22
6.1引言 22
6.2 路面不平顺与功率谱密度 22
6.2.1 路面不平顺的定义 22
6.2.2路面不平顺的功率谱密度 22
6.3 路面输入频域模型 24
6.4 路面不平顺的数值模拟 25
6.4.1 离散傅里叶变换法 25
6.4.2 三角级数法 30
6.5 本章小结 34
第7章结论与展望 35
7.1 结论 35
7.2 需要改进之处和进一步研究的建议 35
主要参考文献 37
致谢 39